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Get relief from PCOS using Oziva Plant-based HerBalance

Do you want to get relief from your PCOS related problems?

In that case, you have come to the right place!Plant based solution for PCOS

Oh! Tell me more.

First of all, PCOS is a problem that a large section of the women population is suffering from especially in this 21st century. It’s not me who is saying this, but rather the statistics proclaim it. Primarily poor diet, lack of physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle and stress are some of the causes that the doctors claim to be contributing to PCOS in women. In case you are not aware of what PCOS actually is,  then I must tell you it is the abbreviation of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. About 5 to 25 per cent of the women population suffer from PCOS but of course, the numbers vary according to the geographical regions. Talking of India, a few years ago certain research found out that one in every five women, that is around 20% of the women population suffer from PCOS. That should raise some eyebrows, for sure! With the kind of unhealthy lifestyle we are leading, this figure will only go upwards. It can also be attributed to one of the major causes of infertility in women,  which is indeed depressing. 

Problems with PCOS

There are a number of problems associated with PCOS. Irregular or prolonged periods are one of the most common symptoms. In certain cases, even periods might be missed altogether. The origin of this disorder is the hormones. The amount of male hormones, which are termed the Androgens,  reach very high levels in comparison to the female hormones. This is exactly in contrast to what should be in a female body. Hormones are chemical substances which control a vast array of functions in our body,  so you can quite understand what the results are going to be if they are imbalanced. Also, there is the development of follicles in ovaries which hamper the production of ovules or eggs,  thus leading to infertility. Keeping in mind these common issues, Foodvez presents you with OZiva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS.  This is a wonderful product which might be the solution to your numerous problems. 

What are the benefits?

  1. OZiva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS  is a completely plant-based solution for PCOS. This product contains mostly herbal components, thus relying completely upon mother nature to cure her daughters.
  2. To name a few of the important herbs that are present – Chasteberry, Shatavari, Red Raspberry and Ashoka. All these Herbs have been in extensive use for centuries and have their mentions in ancient Indian texts and of course the Ayurveda. Shatavari also means the plant having a hundred roots,  is also known as the female-friendly herb.  it is extensively used for the betterment of the overall health of females.
  3. Shatavari helps in maintaining the hormonal levels in the female body as well as ensures the overall smooth functioning of the menstrual cycle. All the other Herbs as well work in coalition to reduce the stress, anxiety and mood swings associated with PCOS.
  4. OZiva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS also contains a clinically proven ingredient Lutemax 200. It is derived from the Indian Marigold or Genda Phool. It contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin. Lutein helps in altering short wavelengths of visible blue light from the sun & digital gadgets and thereby stabilizing the eye membrane to protect from age-related macular degeneration.
  5. Zeaxanthin protects from harmful blue light and also ensures the overall well-being of the eyesight. It is a completely plant-based product that is vegetarian,  rather vegan. So whatever may be your food habit you can always choose this.

PCOS Management

It also contains the goodness of carrots,  which are extremely rich in vitamin A and beta carotene. Both of these are important for the proper functioning of the liver and thereby help in PCOS symptom management. Also one cannot ignore the influence of antioxidants that carrots bring in,  which again is critical in maintaining the menstrual cycle. Naturally, if you are suffering from PCOS, you are advised to have more of green vegetables and fruits,  so these ingredients are definitely a boon for you. Triphala present in OZiva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS ,  strong detoxifier and helps in eliminating toxins from your body.  Reduction of body weight is also something that is intrinsically attached to Triphala. You are more prone to staying fit if your body weight is on the optimum side. 

How safe is it?

This product is marketed only after research and experiments,  thereby ensuring you get the best.  If you are in doubt regarding when to consume it,  then that’s the last thing you should be thinking about. OZiva Plant Based HerBalance for PCOS  can be consumed at any point of time. The recommended dosage is one sachet daily for adults or children. Adults can have two sachets daily under the recommendation of a doctor. This amalgamation of handpicked phytoextracts, fruits and herbs helps in maintaining the hormonal levels in women thereby helping them to lead a normal life. So, why wait? Go buy it now!

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