What are the benefits of omega-3?

There are numerous benefits that the omega has and provides to our body. It is so important for our body.
Let us directly head onto knowing the benefits of it!
1. Fights depression and anxiety
As we already know that omega-3 has an important component in it and it is known as neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory. It helps in treating brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and bipolar disorders. Depression being the most common problem in the world gets pretty hard for anyone to treat. the symptoms are that the person is always lethargic, upset and loss of interest in living, in simple words, gets suicidal thoughts.
Anxiety is another disorder problem, faced by the young generation the most. The symptoms show that the person gets nervous and worry about every little thing. But, then again studies have found that those who take omega-3 supplement have a very good mental health. also, those who are in depression and has anxiety, when started consuming the supplement of it, they had a gradual increase in their mental health.
All the types of omega-3, that is, ALA, EPA and DHA, helps in curing omega-3.
2. Improves eyes
Many studies have found that omega-3 is very beneficial for eyes. It decrease irritation in eyes and increases tear production. it also reduces any risk that can damage your eyes.
3. Promotes brain healthy during pregnancy and early life
Omega-3 is very important for brain growth and development. DHA is present in the brain for about 40% and 60%in the retina of the eyes. Therefore, you must have noticed that children or infants are usually fed DHA rich food all the time. consuming omega-3 during pregnancy results in many benefits for the fetus. some of them are:
- better intelligence
- better communication and social skills
- less problems in behaviour
- decrease risk of delay developments
- less risk of ADHD, palsy and autism
4. Improves risk of heart disease
There are number of cases where the reason of death is either heart attack or strokes. Studies show that thoe who used to consume fish oil or supplements of it, they had a very low risk of attacks and strokes.
the benefits are:
- Reduction in triglycerides
- reduces blood pressure levels
- increases good HDL cholesterol
- prevention of formation of harmful blood clots
- prevent plaque that restricts and hardens arteries
- reduces inflammation
But there are no evidence that shows omega-3 supplements prevents the risk factor of heart attacks and arteries.
5. Reduce the risk of ADHD in children
ADHD is a behavioral disorder mostly found in children, mainly related with inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. Those children who suffers ADHD have low omega-3 level in their blood. Omega-3 can improve inattention and task completion. It also helps in decrease of hyperactivity, impulsiveness, aggression and restlessness. oil supplements are most used supplements by the people for treatment of ADHD.
6. Reduces symptom of metabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is all in one, that is it includes obesity to high blood pressure, insulin resistance, low good HDL, and many more. It is a major health problem which everyone goes through it. Omega-3 can improve insulin resistance, inflammation and heart disease risks.
It can also help in the fight against cancer and reduce the risk of diabetes in children.
Bigmuscles Nutrition Omega-3 Fish Oil Triple Strength

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