fibers have a limit too.
We have heard so much about fibers and their benefits. How can it protect us from various diseases? But no one has thought that what will happen if we over-eat those fibers and what can it cause us. Since fibers give us so much of benefits we always tend to feel that eating more of them will make us all the more healthy which is completely wrong.
fibers are healthy eating them more and more without a limit will make us all the more healthy. In reality it only casuses Overeating fibers. Which is completely wrong. Everything good also has a limit. Men and women who are younger than 50 years should consume only 35g fiber and 25g fiber respectively. Men and women over 50 years should consume only 30g of fiber and 21 g of fiber every day.
Overeating fibers can be bad.
As we all know that fibers are what we get from plants. They are fruit and vegetables. Fibers can give us a lot of benefits but overeating them can have consequences and can affect us negatively too. Consumption of Fibers should be within a limit if it is not within a limit it will surely cause you serious health issues.
what are the symptoms of Overeating fibers.
a)Cramping Cramping is caused If you overeat fibers the count of fibers in your body increases which results in too much fiber in the stomach. Which this slowers the digestion process in the stomach. which leads to problems like cramping and will surely cause you discomfort.
By keeping on in-taking too much of fibers the body will not be able to adjust the speed of the food that is flowing. Fibers help in increasing the speed of the food which passes through the digestive system this is The main benefit of fiber is that it increases the speed of the food which passes through the digestive system. By overeating these fibers you will speed up the speed which is already fast and this will turn into loose motions which will cause you diareah.
Malnutrition is basically when your body needs nutrients as there are insufficient nutrients in your body. Too much fiber will eliminate the minerals and vitamins. Without the body being able to get the benefits. Because of this Your body will skip the essential minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium which are important for our body.
Constipation that you experience will cause you loss of water. Not having enough water will slow down the digestion way too much. Usually, the digestive tracks require fluids for it to move things forward. It is essential for your body to have all of this fluids. If these fluids are absent your intestine will not work properly due to Which you will face problems like constipation. Intestinal & bloating This is another factor that will cause you gas problems in the stomach and due to gas, there will be bloating that will be caused in your stomach.
Lowers the sugar level in your body After eating fibers most of the carbohydrates breaks break down into molecules and then it passes through the body undigested which helps the blood sugar low. But if you overeat fibers the carbs will keep breaking down into molecules which will keep reducing your Sagar and will give rise to low sugar levels.
how can the symptoms of Overeating fibers be solved.
Reducing fiber consumption
A person who is facing the symptoms of over-eating fibers has to reduce their fiber consumption. If you have a serious problem then you should consume no more than 10g of fiber in a day. You need to eliminate all the fiber supplements that you take. One should switch to a completely bland diet.
Drinking plenty of water can be of great help to reduce the over fiber symptom problem in your body. You will have to find substances like chicory root exact and insulin in food. Chicory root is again a fiber that is obtained from plants i.e Cichorium intybus.
This fiber helps deal with the symptoms like loss of appetite, constipation, cancer, liver, etc. Onion, asparagus, garlic, jicama, and green unripped bananas are the few foods that will contain chicory root in them they have the dietary insulin.
Try to do light exercise as much as you can. Go for walks you will feel better. You can ever join yoga. Yoga will help too. Try keeping a track of whatever you eat. Maybe you can note down everything that you consume or if online notes are more comfortable then you can even do that. But doing this you will have a proper idea of what is going inside your stomach.
And you can keep a track of everything. Try avoiding food that will bloat your stomach all the more. Once you start getting better you try to introduce fibers again to your body.

check out for more information.
order the correct limited fiber-ed food only on foodvez.