Organic Tasteful Kapha Dosha Tea helpful in-seasonal allergies, congestion and reduce depression(100gm).


Kapha Dosha takes the responsibility for the creation of new cells, growing and building skin tissues and cell repair. According to ayurveda, kapha dosha imbalance may look like loss of strength in the body, lack of appetite, seasonal depression etc. Our kapha dosha calming tea is rich in ingredients like turmeric and ashwagandha to soothe the kapha dosha imbalance. The herbal tea has 100% organic ingredients with no preservatives to calm the kapha dosha imbalance. This ayurvedic tea is a perfect companion during season change as it prevents seasonal allergies, cough and congestion. Our herbal tea will bring you the thousand year old ayurveda secret of health and wellness!


If Kapha Dosha is imbalance in the body then: 

    • Lethargy feeling and loss of strength in body.
    • May feel respiratory tract and burning sensation inside a body.
    • Loss of consciousness.

Additional information

dietary preference

Dairy Free, gluten free, sugar free

Fitness Goal

Endurance, Immunity Booster, Strength Gain