You are currently viewing TEA VARIANTS FOR PCOD/PCOS


If you are someone who is struggling with PCOS/PCOD, we have listed some of the best tea variants that can help you deal with these menstrual disorders. Consuming them with apt exercise, and a proper diet can help you cure them.


Tea is a very old and traditional drink that has been playing a huge role in our lives for hundreds of years. Tea also has several benefits ranging from health to medical. People are adopting newer versions of teas such as herbal tea, jasmine tea, etc. With thorough research and studies, it is proven that tea can be helpful if your immunity is low. It can also be beneficial to people with high BP, diabetes, flu, insomnia, indigestion, and anxiety. With a broad range of benefits, it was found that tea can also help women who are suffering from PCOD/PCOS.

PCOS/PCOD are hormonal disorders, that affect women of reproductive ages. According to a study, 16% of women between the age of 20-29 suffer from these disorders. According to Indian statistics, it is one of the most common problems, affecting 1 in every 5 women in India. We have listed below numerous tea variants offering their vast range of benefits.


This tea is made from the extracts of the dried flowers of the chamomile plant and is a highly popular herbal tea. This variant is caffeine-free and has a sweet undertone to it with an earthy flavor. Best known, for its calming and relaxing effects, it improves the quality of sleep as well as the sleeping patterns. This also reduces the symptoms of anxiety. Chamomile has a decreased rate of androgens which reduces testosterone levels. This also helps in keeping hair, skin, and nails healthy. Other benefits of chamomile are that it promotes heart health, manages blood sugar levels, and improves fertility.


This tea variant is made by infusing peppermint leaves in hot water. The leaves contain several essential oils including menthol and menthone. This variant has a minty taste which makes it refreshing and cooling. It has numerous health benefits. Firstly, it relieves stress and anxiety, the menthol in it is a relaxant that eases muscles, which helps you to relax between stressful work. If you are an insomniac, this variant can help you with your sleeping patterns and aid you in weight loss as well. Generally, people with PCOS/PCOD suffer greatly from menstrual cramps. Peppermint helps essentially to reduce these discomforts. Other benefits of peppermint are that it improves immunity, boosts digestion and prevents bad breath.


A unique blend of black and green tea, this variant is known for its toffee-like taste. This taste merges with the richness of caramel and fruit and offers a treat to your taste buds. One of its chief functions is that it relieves menstrual pains, and promotes a healthy gut. Along with that the antioxidants present in it help in fighting cancer cells. Oolong tea also reduces cholesterol, decreases stress, promotes oral health, and boosts liver function. It is found that women who drink the oolong variant have stronger bones as compared to women who don’t. It also has a combination of caffeine and L-theanine which improves concentration, avoids distractions, and increases focus.

herbal tea variants


This is a herbal tea that is made by infusing the cinnamon bark in water. This variant is loaded with antioxidants that prevent diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart diseases. It also reduces the rate of inflammation which keeps the cholesterol levels in control. It plays a major role in reducing menstrual cramps as well as PMS symptoms. This also reduces nausea frequency during periods. Cinnamon tea has antibacterial properties which build immunity. This variant can also promote weight loss and reduce blood sugar levels.


Lavender is a tea variant that is not that popular but just like the others, it has several health benefits. This is made from fresh and dried buds of the lavender flower. It has a distinctive taste and fragrance. Generally, it comes in two flavors, one with a smoky and woody flavor, while the other is more sweet and floral. It plays a major role in detoxifying our bodies and improves sleep patterns. It is beneficial, especially for women with PCOS/PCOD. However, women who are pregnant should be careful as this tea duplicates the estrogen hormones in them. Additionally, it also promotes digestive health and boosts the immune system. It is generally recommended for people who suffer from respiratory problems as it relaxes the airways which makes the person easier to breathe.


PCOS/PCOD are extremely common disorders. They can be cured if the right meals are consumed with the right exercise. Another simple way of doing this is to add various tea variants to your diet. This will give you a little change of taste and will also provide various health benefits. Lastly, don’t forget to visit our website for more insights on health and health products.

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