Blue Tokai coffee uses Arabica coffee beans which are supposed to be the best quality among the other coffee beans

Let us talk about Arabica coffee beans!

Ripened coffee beans

Different varieties of Arabica coffee

There are two types of Arabica coffee, Typica and Bourbon. Typica is a low yielding type, used all over the world for its best quality. Whereas, Bourbon is said to be the aromatic, well balanced and developed too many sub high qualities of it.

Benefits of Arabica

  • Rich in antioxidants: Arabica coffee beans are rich in antioxidants that prevent cell damage. It also prevents the risk of some diseases including cancer. Antioxidants are also beneficial for the skin. Now under antioxidants, we will see what is present in the coffee beans.

1. Vitamin E: Vitamin E benefits your skin and eyes. It also strengthens the immune system of the body.

2. Vitamin B: Vitamin B helps in the growth of red blood cells, improves eyesight and improves brain function. It also helps in digestion and reduces loss of appetite.

Studies show that Arabica seeds help in type 2 disease as well. That means it lowers the risk of insulin. It also helps in the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Why Arabica Coffee?

Arabica coffee is considered to be 100% pure and the best quality coffee beans. It is superior to Robusta coffee beans in terms is flavour, sweetness, balance and acidity. Arabica coffee is believed to be grown in a much more difficult manner and it is hard for it grows well than other coffees.

Blue Tokai Coffee Roasters: For the best Arabica coffee, you can choose Blue Tokai coffee. It is much more healthy and made to your preferences. They are clean and transparent to their consumers. They make sure that their coffee is up to your taste. Their coffee has got 80 points by SSCA just for the quality, taste and cupping note. Yes they use 100% Arabica coffee beans.

Blue Tokai coffee with 100% arabica coffee beans

To know more about Blue Tokai coffee, click on it!

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