PITTA DOSHA CALMING TEA- For Soothing Indigestion, Constipation, Heat Generation & Body Odour


Pitta represents heat and it regulates digestion, our perceptual and cognitive abilities. According to ayurveda, Pitta dosha dominant people should consume foods that are high in vitamin C and avoid fried and spicy foods. Our Pitta Dosha Calming Tea contains chamomile, rose and hibiscus petals which are a great vitamin c source. It is rich in herbs like methi and brahmi which are proven to reduce inflammation and heat in the body. This ayurvedic tea will help you fight the pitta dosha imbalance symptoms like; Red skin and eyes, indigestion, Heartburn etc. The pitta dosha calming tea is made with 100% organic ingredients under the guidance of ayurveda health experts to give you the perfect cup of health.


If Pitta dosha is imbalance in body then it may arises the following:

  • Discomfort due to excessive heat generation.
  • Diarrhea and bad digestion.
  • Sweat increases which lead to body odour
  • Aggravate hunger and thirstiness.

Additional information

dietary preference

Dairy Free, gluten free, sugar free

Fitness Goal

Endurance, Immunity Booster, Strength Gain


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