Vaginal discharge are normal but it’s important to know what makes it abnormal. Read out to know, whether your Vaginal discharge is normal.

Understand Vaginal discharge 

Vaginal discharge is normal and usually a combination of fluid or mucus. This fluid/mucus helps in keeping vagina clean and healthy from infection.

Vaginal discharge happens as a part of menstrual cycle.Before ovulation a female body produces up to 30 times more mucous than it happens after ovulation. The mucous is mostly watery and elastic. 

Abnormal discharge:

Vaginal discharge becomes abnormal due to bacterial Infection or through sexually transmitted diseases. These infections changes the color of vaginal discharge to Yellow, Green, Brown or Red and sometimes make white discharge fishy and stringy. Such change in odor color needs health consultant.

Also read: Vaginal Discharge color and Symptoms


Vaginal discharge are often differentiated on the basis of their color and odor. This odour information helps us to know Abnormal flow.


White fishy odour is a sign of  abnormal Vaginal discharge  which creates Bacterial Vaginosis & Itching and burning while passing urine.

Cause: Bacterial Vaginosis 


Thick, stringy cottage cheese-like consistency a sign of Abnormal discharge.

Cause: Thrush


Dark Yellow/Green hue which is usually thick and chunky contains unpleasant smell and is also a sign of Infection.


  • Vaginal Trichomonas, 
  • Yeast Infection


Pelvic pain or bleeding is a sign of Abnormal discharge which usually  occurs due to sexual intercourse.


 Bleeding    Chlamydia or gonorrhoea


Discharge which is usually Dry Brown  or Red usually are abnormal discharges. Such discharge are an indication of Infection or poor health conditions.

Cause: lycystic ovary syndrome: (PCOS)


Vaginal Discharge is normal and healthy if it’s in form of fluid. This fluid helps in removing old dead cells and debris from the body, which helps in keeping the vagina clean, healthy and productive. Healthy Vaginal Discharge has:

  • No unpleasant smell 
  • Clear and white
  • Thick and sticky 
  • Slippery and wet 

TOP 6 Home Treatment Remedies for Vaginal Discharge:

  1. Boric Acid:

Boric acid is used as vaginal suppositories that helps in treating vaginal infections mainly, yeast infections through its powerful  antiseptic nature. Boric acid should always be followed with a strict pattern as excess of its consumption can often create distress such as: Kidney damage, failure in circulatory system.

Follow a strict regimen as recommended by consultant. Boric acid should also be avoided in pregnancy, on broken skin/sensitive skin. Discontinue its consumption if you feel any  discomfort.

  1. Tea tree oil:

Tea tree oil contains anti fungal properties which helps in killing bacterial infection such as: fungi and viruses.Tea Tree is a powerful oil. A recent study, has found that tea tree oil is an effective antimicrobial in breaking down biofilm. Prepared tea tree vaginal suppositories are best option. Be cautious while using tea tree oil for any sensitive skin type. Try to avoid it from skin exposure.

  1. Coconut oil:

Coconut oil contains antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.Cocunut oil is used as a lubricant to alleviate vaginal dryness, and acts as a  natural remedy to ease symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases. It also helps in killing strains of candida fungus which when overgrows causes yeast Infection.

  1. Apple cider vinegar:

A study shows that women’s usually prefer apple cider vinegar and consider it has effective home remedy. Apple cider vinegar can be used in bath by soaking it in warm water for effective 20 minutes  with atleast half a cup of apple cider vinegar. It is an effective source for curing yeast infections.

  1. Guava leaves:

Guava leaves, scientifically known  Psidium guajava L, works as a great home remedy to cure yellow- greenish discbadge which often contains bad odor usually containing milky white or cottage cheese like texture.

  1. Indian gosseberry

Indian gooseberry, often called as Amla in Hindi is an Indian superfood known for its richness in Vitamin C and different other nutrients. Amla is a natural herb that helps in boosting immunity as well as helps in controlling white Vaginal discharge.

Amla can be eaten in raw form, powdered form or as murabba or candies all forms provide equal health benefits.

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