What is CLA
CLA which is also known as conjugated linoleic acid is used for building fitness in your body. It helps you to lose weight and preserves your muscle. It improves your immunity system too. These acids are usually found in dairy products and animal meat. They are obtained from Ruminants. They mostly contain a large amount of Omega-6 fatty acids which are usually found in vegetable oil. It works 100%.
There may be many people who may complain that this supplement doesn’t work and so on but these people belong to that category of people who do not know how to consume a balanced diet. Or don’t know how or when to consume CLA.
It Works 100% and it’s so good that it is known as the father of all other fat burners. There are three essential fatty acids that Our body needs. Our body doesn’t produce these acids and hence we need to consume them through some food or supplement.
The essential three acids are omega acids that are omega-3, omega-9, and omega-6. Out of these the supplements contains omega-6 fatty acid. Omega-6 can be consumed through dairy and meat products like lamb, chicken, red meat, and beef but the amount of omega-6 fatty acid is very less in them.
Why consuming omega-6 fatty acid is better in supplements than food?
When someone wants to lose weight they need the right rise in metabolism as well as the right amount of CLA to burn fats. The daily requirement for CLA is from at least 4-5 grams. Since meat and dairy products serve a very less amount of CLA the consumption of these products will have to be high to get those 4-5 grams.
In this process along with CLA, you will consume a large number of saturated fats, cholesterol, calories, etc. This is when these supplements come into the picture. These supplements serve only CLA and not any other calories or saturated fats, etc.
CLA Benefits
Doesn’t allow to store fat.
There is an enzyme in our body which is called the enzyme lipoprotein lipase. The work of this enzyme is to collect all the fats from food, break them down and store them in your body. This supplement suppresses this enzyme due to which it doesn’t let the fat get stored in the body.
Increases your metabolism
It helps to increase your metabolism which starts to burn your fat at a faster rate. Unlike other fat burners which not only increase your metabolism but also increase ur blood pressure or your heart rate. CLA only increases your metabolism which makes it one of the safest and most natural fat burners.
Insulin resistance
It controls your insulin resistance. It reduces the percentage of fat in your body, lowers the rate of your bad cholesterol, etc. due to which the insulin rate gets in control. If you take the correct amount of nutrition the rate of your diabetes will also come under control.
Consuming more than 5 gramsIf you consume more grams of CLA than required. Then you will face the consequences of accumulated fats in the liver which will give rise to problems like stomach aches, diarrhea, etc.
How many capsules to consume in a day.
Since your consuming food too. which might give you about 1 gram of CLA. YOu can consume 3-4 capsules per day. One capsule contains about 1000 milligrams of CLA. Which will make up to one gram.
What time should you consume CLA. As you are consuming 3-4 capsules you can consume it after every meal. For example after breakfast, after lunch, after evening tea, and then after dinner. Which will not lead to overdose. People with overweight fat shouldn’t consume CLA as it won’t benefit them but will accumulate more fat in the liver. People with a fat percentage of less than 15% should consume it. And those who are following a correct diet and working out too should use this. These supplements only will be beneficial when you follow these things.
CLA is a 100% natural and the best product. It has several health benefits. Moreover, it helps in losing weight provided you follow a healthy balanced diet. IF you are overweight then no worries. You just need to get your fat percentage to at least 15% or lesser than 15%.
Consuming these supplements at the right time and in the correct proportion will be beneficial for you. You will be able to lose weight faster. CLA is the best supplement. Along with the consumption of these supplements Get yourself fit in a properly balanced diet, indulge yourself in some physical activity and you’ll be all perfectly fit.

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