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Heal and detoxify your body with green tea

How can you detoxify your body using green tea?

The answer to that thought is pretty simple. All you have to do is incorporate green tea in your daily routine. Green tea is a boon to your overall health.

Green tea is loaded with essential antioxidants. It has potent activity. Undoubtedly green tea is one of the most popular magical drinks. It helps the body in many ways. It is considered superfood for a reason.

Green tea is different from other form of teas. Its process of synthesis is also different from the others. And hence it explains why green tea retains a high amount of nutrients and antioxidants even after processing.

Is detoxification necessary?

Let us first understand what detoxification is. Detoxification usually refers to cleansing the body and making it feel healthier. Though detoxification process can be carried out by the body on its own. But adding green tea boosts the detoxification process. Detoxification not necessarily means that it is about only expelling toxins from the body. Detoxification can also mean losing unhealthy fats, feeling energetic and healthy.

How does green tea help?

Green tea is the most miraculous drink that is preferred by many. It is refreshing and rejuvenating for the body. It contains many powerful natural compounds that helps your body heal naturally. The best thing about green tea is that it makes you feel fresh after every sip. So it is time for you to figure out the goodness of green tea by yourself.

Rich in polyphenols:

There is no doubt that green tea is rich in polyphenols. The abundance of polyphenols gives it potent antioxidant properties. It cannot be exerted enough that how much antioxidants are important for human health. It not only reduces free radical damage in the body but also gives many benefits. These antioxidants are well researched to use as an aid in many health conditions. Many studies proved that antioxidants present in green tea helps with many inflammatory diseases. Green tea is also known to have anti cancer properties. And all these good qualities are present in just a form of tea.

So it is very convenient for anyone to gain many benefits from just sipping on green tea.

Improves brain function:

Green tea has beneficial effects on the brain too. Unlike normal drinks green tea is fortified with caffeine. We all are familiar with caffeine. The freshness and alertness that comes along with consuming caffeine is very pleasing. The amount of caffeine present in green tea is not a whole lot. But it contains enough caffeine to keep you active and alert. Various research and studies have shown caffeine to show positive results in improving memory, cognitive abilities and alertness.

Besides that green tea also contains an amino acid called L-theanine. L-theanine is also known to help with stress and anxiety related conditions.

Helps in weight loss:

Green tea is a magical contributor in burning some body fats. Certain studies have ignited the fact that green tea can increase the metabolic rate of the body. Increased metabolism rate helps to digest fats and increase digestion rate too.

Helps in cancer:

Many studies have found that oxidative damage and chronic inflammation can lead to cancer. Oxidative damage can be reduced in the root form by consuming green tea. Green tea has high amount of antioxidants that are known to curb oxidative damage. People consuming green tea were less prone to certain types of cancer. It may not seem a solid remedy but there’s a saying “prevention is always better than cure”. So why not we start consuming green tea and gift ourselves a healthy body and mind.

Anti microbial properties:

Green tea also contains certain anti microbial properties. It helps to kill harmful pathogens in your gut. And also helps to balance the microflora present in the digestive tract. Green tea also reduces bad odour in mouth. Catechins present in green tea helps in suppressing growth of certain pathogenic bacterias.

Helps with blood sugar:

Diabetes is the most prevalent health condition in many individuals. Though modern medicine has helped to manage diabetes. But isn’t it more feasible to add something healthy to boost the healing? Though green tea isn’t the cure for diabetes but it can certainly help in managing symptoms to some extent. Many studies have found that green tea increases insulin sensitivity in diabetic patients.

What could be a better green tea supplement other than Lipton Green Tea? Lipton green tea is the most preferred choice of green tea. You can buy Lipton green tea from the foodvez website:

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