L-arginine food vs supplements.

What is the difference between natural L-arginine and supplements L-arginine ?

There can be a few good argumentative reasons why consuming L-arginine as a supplement is better than consuming L-arginine with natural food sources intake. Find out how in the given below information provided.



The natural L-arginine constants but quality is very low in case of food. Good food diet for example consuming 250g can provide at least 1 grams to 1.50 grams of L-arginine which is sufficient. Consuming this large amount of red meat, fish, chicken or any meat is not good 2 twice a day because it contains high cholesterol. That’s why supplementing with L-arginine is good for active people. Some of natural food sources of L-arginine are as follows below.

  • Edamame.
  • Lentils.
  • Pinto beans.
  • Chickpeas. …
  • Mung beans. …
  • Fava beans. …
  • Lima beans. …
  • Green peas.
  • All type of nuts.
  • Chicken.
  • Red meat.
  • Fish.
  • Dairy products.
  • Eggs.
  • Poltry.
  • Beef.

In simple words when you consume L-arginine by natural food sources. The amount of natural food has to be huge to complete your daily intake target of L-arginine. It’s not easy to consume such a large amount of food in one meal including the fact. In the case of consuming L-arginine it’s important to consume protein like dairy products, eggs, chicken, pork, beef and fish. It is just not possible for a single person to consume such a large amount of meat or food in such a large amount. Even if it’s possible for some of the people to consume so much good it will create consequences to health.

How does consuming L-arginine in a large amount can harm our health ?

Eating a large amount of food is basically hard for many people due to intake of excessive amounts of food. Which may cause some problematic effects such as follows.

  • Nauseous.
  • Stomach hurts.
  • Breathing problem.
  • Vomiting.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Gaining weight.
  • Always feeling uncomfortable.
  • Gasiastic.
  • Bowel movements.
  • Less sleep.
  • Fatigue.
  • Hard to digest everything.

These are some of the efforts of over eating food that may also cause many more. While consuming a big amount of food and still not able to hit your everyday target of L-arginine. What’s the point of consuming so much food with all these unhealthy consequences ? Natural food intake is necessary for our body but you don’t actually have to consume a big amount of food. Including, not all food sources contain protein which are essential to gain L-arginine.


Compared to natural food sources, L-arginine is very difficult to consume for many people. Not everyone can consume a big or large amount of food including high protein food in meals. Over eating but still can’t hit daily amounts of L-arginine Consumption. Including the fact overeating can cause or create a lot of unhealthy problems for a healthy person. Plus eating such a large amount of protein can cause stomach heat which is the worst. That’s why supplementing with L-arginine comes in handy.

2 tablets of a single day between meals can help someone to hit the target of L-arginine without consuming excessive amounts. In simple words it’s not worth its a better and good option. To consume L-arginine as supplement which will hit daily intake by just 2 medicine without consuming large amounts of food protein.

When you are consuming supplements instead of food it’s easier for you to digest without creating any healthy effects.


We know vegetables are extremely good for our help, especially green vegetables. The problem with being a vegetarian or vegan is they can’t consume a lot of vegetables to complete the target on L-arginine everyday. Simply eating vegetables is not enough to get protein. Vegetables contain proteins but not high protein such as meat , fish , chicken and many more. Even non-vegetarians faces problems in fulfilling the required amount of L-arginine. Vegetarians still consume protein not only from vegetables but also from dairy products or nuts and seeds.

Now let’s talk about people who are vegan. Being a vegetarian is better than being a vegan. People have their own free will to consume what they want to eat and what they do not want to eat. Basically being a vegan comes with a lot of problems because not only they don’t consume any meat, fish, chicken or egg and many more. But they also don’t consume any dairy products as well, which makes it so impossible to fulfill their goal of requiring an amount of L-arginine. They do still consume nuts and seeds but it’s just not possible to hit the target of daily intake of L-arginine. So in situations like this supplementing with L-arginine is so helpful.

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