Nutritional function of foxtail millets in our body

Here is an introduction to foxtail millet’s nutritional function

Foxtail millet, like other millets, is a nutritional powerhouse. These tiny seeds, which are high in Vitamin B12, can provide you with a daily dosage of adequate protein, excellent fat, carbohydrates, and dietary fiber. It also contains a lot of calcium, along with a lot of lysine, thiamine, iron, and niacin.

key role of Foxtail millets in our body- what is it?

High In Nutrients

Fiber, protein, zinc, and magnesium are all abundant in foxtail millet.

It also has a healthy quantity of iron and calcium, which are both important for bone health.

Nutrition facts

100 grams of foxtail millet provides the following nutrients (2).

  • Calories: 331 kcal
  • Carbohydrate: 60.9 grams (20% of the daily value)
  • Fat: 4.3 grams (7% of the DV)
  • Protein: 12.3 grams (22% of the DV)
  • Fiber: 8 grams (32% of the DV)
  • Iron: 2.8 mg (16% of the DV)
  • Calcium: 31 mg (3% of the DV)
  • Potassium: 250 mg (6% of the DV)
  • Zinc: 2.4 mg (21% of the DV)
  • Magnesium: 81 mg (20% of the DV)

May Help Manage Diabetes

  • The glycemic index (GI) of foxtail millet is 59 (3), which suggests it won’t immediately raise your blood sugar levels.
  • It’s also strong in dietary fiber and low in carbs, which helps to decrease the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream.
  • Furthermore, consuming foxtail millets may help prevent the rise in post-meal blood sugar levels, according to studies.
  • Hence, foxtail millet could be an excellent alternative to white rice for people with type-2 diabetes.

May Help In Weight Loss

  • Obesity is a major health issue that affects many people. Obesity raises the risk of a variety of illnesses, including diabetes, heart disease, and renal disease.
  • Foxtail millet is strong in fiber and protein, which may help you stay fuller for longer. Furthermore, the high protein content of foxtail millet may aid muscle growth.
  • Furthermore, a mouse study found that eating foxtail millet effectively lowers body weight and fasting blood sugar levels.

May Help Relieve Constipation

  • The high fiber content in foxtail millet improves your digestion and eases constipation.
  • Also, the consumption of fiber-rich foods lowers the risk of heart diseases, hypertension, stroke, and diabetes.

May Strengthen Your Brain Function And Nervous System

  • B vitamins like thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and folate are abundant in foxtail millet (B9).
  • All of these B vitamins are necessary for the proper functioning of your neurological system and brain.
  • Also, foxtail millet is rich in antioxidants, such as flavonoids. Flavanoid protects neurons from inflammation, which may improve your memory function.

May Strengthen Your Immune System

  • Vitamin A, vitamin E, iron, folic acid, and zinc are all abundant in foxtail millets.
  • All of these micronutrients are necessary for our immune system to function properly. As a result, eating foxtail millets on a daily basis may help boost your immunity.

May Help Reduce Blood Pressure

  • Potassium and magnesium are abundant in foxtail millet, which may assist to lower blood pressure.
  • Furthermore, rodent studies show that the protein in foxtail millet has antihypertensive properties, which may help to avoid heart disease.


  • Like all other millets, foxtail millet is also gluten-free. Hence, it is ideal for those who are allergic to gluten.


Foxtail millet is a nutritious powerhouse. Its low GI makes it an excellent choice for diabetics. Weight loss is aided by the fiber and protein included in foxtail millets. As a result, it could be a good substitute for rice and wheat.

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