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The Best Low Carb Based Snack

Are you in search of the best Low carbohydrate-based snack?

We certainly got you coveredKeto Cookies

Well, what is it?

Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits Are definitely the product that you had been looking for a long time, but no more worries because now you know the secret. The Current Lifestyle that we are dealing with, is filled with stress, and anxiety accompanied by very poor eating habits. If your job is related to more of sitting in front of a desk and working then probably you are gaining a lot of weight and this is never going to be beneficial for your health. The diet contains too much of carbohydrates – then if not directly then at least indirectly leads to a gain of weight. We are all aware of the complexities that may arise when the pointer of the weighing machine shifts to the right. Apart from the staple diet which consists of Rice, Rotis or other carbohydrate-rich food, we also depend a lot on snacks. Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits provide the perfect solution to cutting down on your carbohydrate intake during snacks.

Keto Diet

Well,  if you are not aware of what a keto diet is then you don’t need to feel ashamed. It has been in practice for centuries but recently the buzz around it has been huge. A diet which focuses on less intake of carbohydrates and consuming more protein and fats ( obviously healthy fats). Carbohydrates are the source of glucose in our body from which energy is produced but the keto diet aims at making ketone,  sourced from fats, to be the primary fuel for our body. Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits are suitable for both people following Keto based diet as well as people following a general diet but looking to shed some weight. Since the carbohydrate intake is reasonably negligible or low hence it is more preferred for diabetics and pre-diabetics. If someone is following the keto diet then he or she must be aware of the fact that excessive Ketone accumulation in the body may lead to a condition called ketosis which can be severe depending upon the concentration of Ketone bodies. So it is really important to diet is followed in a proper manner.  You must be thinking if Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits are only suitable for a certain group of people,  but be assured this is a product suitable for anyone from the age of eight to eighty. some people also follow the Paleo diet,  which is nothing but imitating what humans ate Millions of years ago. Meat, fish, fresh fruits, vegetables and different types of nuts and seeds. If you think logically then you’ll see these are the food items to which we had easy access.  So you are a paleo diet follower. Can you take it? Of course, you can! 

What are the benefits?

Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits has a lot of benefits and takes care of your overall nutrition and health.

  1. What if I tell you that each biscuit has carbohydrate content even less than 1 gram?  Yes, that is about 80% less carbohydrate than other biscuits on the market.  Let that sink in!  If you’re looking for diabetes remission then this is one of the products you should definitely buy. 
  2. You must also be wondering if this product tastes good? It does not taste good,  it tastes awesome!  It is made in such a way so that you do not miss out on the taste of your favourite snacks which contain a lot of carbohydrates and are not good for your health if you live a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Also if you are worried about what snack to choose when you are in the middle of the weight loss regime,  then a packet of Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits is what you need in front of you. There is no added sugar in this product.  So will it taste very bland?  No, ADOR Health has taken care of that fact beautifully by using Stevia instead of sugar.


Did you just hear a new name? Stevia?  Yes, it is one of those shrubs that grow predominantly in South America and has been of medicinal use for a long time. In recent times it is being used as a zero-calorie sugar substitute. Although the sweetness index is pretty high, if used in the right quantity stevia is a wonderful alternative to sugar. Since Stevia does not bring any change in the blood sugar level hence the glycemic index is 0! 

Perfectly balanced

Low Carb Keto Coconut biscuits is low in carbohydrates but it does not mean it’s low in nutrition as well. Each biscuit contains over 3 grams of protein and has a lot of nutrient-rich seeds in it. To take care of your digestive health as well, these tasty coconut biscuits also contain a generous amount of fibre. These biscuits weigh 190 grams and priced at just  Rs 239 is an absolute steal deal! How often do you see a tasty and crunchy solution to your nutritional deficiencies? So, hurry!

Check out for more such wonderful items!

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