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The true essence of Spearmint tea with a herbal touch.

Are you bored of drinking the same old usual tea? Do you want to experience a change in terms of taste and flavour? Tea at times may not agree with some, while others may not want to indulge more in it due to its standard flavours and because it doesn’t have many alternatives.

Here is one kind of tea that may be a solution to the problems of many. It is easily available and is a convenient option with respect to the method of preparation.

  1. Organic Spearmint tea
  • No added sugar.
  • No added flavour.
  • Ingredients: authentic spearmint leaves.

Some features of this product:

  • Fresh minty flavor.
  • Cleanses body contaminants.
  • Caffeine free.

Understanding the concept of ‘spearmint tea’.

Spearmint is known as Mentha spicata is a species of the mint plant. It is developed for its leaves and essential oil which is used as a flavouring agent in foods and cosmetics. Spearmint oil consists of chemicals that lessen swelling and are also known to destroy cancer cells in the body. A spearmint is a safe option when used as a medicine and it rarely reacts on one’s skin. One can drink up to 2 cups of spearmint tea on a regular basis.

Uses of spearmint to treat the following illnesses:

  • Sore throat
  • Colds
  • Headaches
  • Toothaches
  • Cramps
  • Cancer
  • Infection of the respiratory tract.

It can also be used as a germ disinfectant, pain-killer and anti-spasm treatment.

  • Health benefits of consuming spearmint tea:
  1. Prevents bacterial infections.

The influential anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties are very useful in curing mouth sores, foul breath and dental infections. It completely destroys harmful organisms which could cause infection of the gums and cures tooth decay and gingivitis too. Drinking a cup of spearmint tea daily can help in keeping away from cold and viral fever.

2. Improves memory

Spearmint is an archaic and traditional fix in order to boost the functioning of the brain. The strong anti-oxidants and polyphenols that contain in the leaves escalate the activity of the brain. It also advocates memory capacity, concentration, focus, tranquillity and sharpness of an individual. Hence it can be regarded as a brain reviver and is very beneficial in combating psychological issues like depression, insomnia and illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

3. Stress buster

Menthol is a prominent compound in spearmint leaves which operates as a natural pacifier. This plant is sedative in nature and thus has the ability to calm nerves and decrease anxiety. It also stimulates the secretion of hormones like serotonin and melatonin which ease the complexities of chronic anxiety and stress and mends ailments such as hysteria, nightmares and insomnia.

4. Enhances one’s skin. 

Augmented with antioxidants, is a classic solution in protecting the skin from radical destruction and allergic reactions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, sunburn etc. It also upholds the capacity to transmit a gleaming and a natural glow to the skin.

5. Helps indigestion.

Spearmint plays a vital role in stimulating digestion and pacifying an irritated stomach. Carvone, an active ingredient helps in decreasing the painful contractions of muscles in the digestive tract. It also helps in soothing stomach infections/upsets.

6. Normalizes hormonal imbalance.

Drinking spearmint tea on a regular basis can prove effective especially in regulating hormonal imbalance in women. It can productively decrease male hormones like testosterone and increase female hormones which are essential for ovulation, like follicle-stimulating hormone ((FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) and oestradiol. Antioxidants and flavonoids included in spearmint tea also cure polycystic ovary syndrome, cystic acne and irregular periods.

7. Reducing high cholesterol levels

Spearmint tea is energizing, calming and cooling. It is also healthy for the heart. According to studies, drinking two cups of spearmint tea daily might be able to decrease LDL, (bad cholesterol), elevate HDL (good cholesterol) levels and even reduce triglycerides as well.

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