Transitioning to a low carb diet

What is a low carb diet, and how does one adapt to it?

This post helps you in transitioning to a low carb diet.

Zucchini noodles can be used in place of wheat pasta

A low carb diet is a diet that cuts down on the number of carbohydrates consumed. while increasing the intake of fats. The major source of energy for us is carbohydrates. Our body converts carbs to fats in order to store them. Consuming a lot of carbohydrates (especially if you live a sedentary lifestyle) allows your body to store a lot of fat. The major aim of a low carb diet is to adapt the body to utilise fats as the main source of energy, thus burning down excessive fats. Hence, this is a popular diet among those who seek to reduce their body weight. When done right, this diet could detoxify the body of unwanted sugars and fats.

However, many cut down on their carbohydrate intake right off the bat. this is a dangerous approach, as your body is not yet conditioned to metabolise fat, and you end up feeling dizzy and fatigued.

The key to any successful diet is transitioning properly to it, thereby giving your body the time to adjust to it. Here are a few tips for making the switch to a low-carb diet go effortlessly:

Drink lots of water:

Switching to a new diet means your digestion process would be subjected to a major change, as carbohydrates and fats are digested using different enzymes. The pH of your stomach is also bound to change. Drinking water regularly helps regulate and detoxify your digestive tract.

Avoid going Cold Turkey:

One of the biggest mistakes many people make while transitioning is that they remove all carbohydrates from their diet from day one. This is a very bad approach, sometimes even dangerous. Removing carbohydrates from your diet leads to a sudden drop in your blood sugar levels, which can become a serious health issue. Instead, try to slowly reduce your daily carbohydrate intake. This process may take up to a month but is far more effective than going cold turkey

Trick your body by adding more fibre:

Including fibre in your diet helps in achieving a healthier bowel movement. Plus fibre makes you feel full for a longer time, thus helping in controlling your urges to snack on carbohydrate-rich food.

Ease up on snacks:

Instead of skimping on necessary carbs, consider cutting back on high-carb snacks. Swap your favourite snacks for healthier ones, or switch to fruits and veggies that are high in fibre. Reduce your sugar intake, but don’t completely eliminate it from your diet, because that can lead to sugar cravings.

Include more proteins:

Much like fibres, proteins give you a feeling of “fullness”. They keep you from falling victim to cravings and aid in the development of healthy muscular growth. Keto Protein bars are a great snack to manage those sugar cravings and are packed with proteins and fibres, which will make you feel full for a longer time.

Include healthy fats:

Since the main goal of a low carb diet is to increase fat metabolism, it makes sense to include healthy fats in your diet. After all, eliminating both carbohydrates and fat from your diet is pointless and will leave you dizzy and hungry.

Keep track of what you’re eating:

This is something many forget or simply ignore. Talk to a dietician and plan on what diet suits you best. Then, work around your current food plan – do not attempt to create a new regime. This will demotivate you over time and increases cravings. For example, try swapping the carbs in your breakfast with increased portions of protein and fibre. Then, trade-off rice with millets. Note down the number of carbs, proteins, fats and fibre that you’re consuming, and slowly decrease the numbers, till your daily carb intake reaches 100 grams.

Keep a check on your blood sugar levels:

A low carb diet drastically reduces your blood sugar levels. Don’t be surprised to see them drop, but keep monitoring your blood sugar levels – they may drop to extremely low levels and may even cause fainting spells. Carry a few glucose tablets on your person at all times.

Remember that a low-carb diet places strain on your body’s stamina; you’ll encounter symptoms similar to those experienced by marathon runners. One of the most important things to remember is to be kind to yourself. Your body needs some time before adjusting to a new diet. Give it the time to adapt.

Check out the range of low carb snacks here at Foodvez.

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