Why is workout important?

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It is true that smoking cigarettes, alcoholism and driving while drinking are risky activities. What’s surprising is that sometimes physical inactivity i.e doing nothing can be very much life-threatening. Not exercising can be a cause of premature deaths or short life expectancy. Physical inactivity can lead to difficulty in sleeping, high blood pressure etc. In all, it can disturb the balance of your body. As you grow old in age, you get prone to a lot of diseases and if you don’t keep yourself fit and active the risk factor increases.

Giving just an hour of your day to a mindful workout routine can produce a lot of health benefits. Including an exercise regimen in your day to day life can help you to maintain weight and also reduce the risk of several diseases. When you exercise on a daily basis, you lower the risk of developing some diseases like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure etc. It also helps to keep your body at a healthy weight. Even if you are not able to follow the routine daily, you can skip a few days, but being inactive for a long time can induce bad results for your body. The paragraphs below try to explain the importance of including exercise in your lifestyle.

Lack of a workout routine can lead to the following things:

  • It can increase the risk of developing heart-related diseases or in medical terms ‘cardiovascular diseases’.
  • You can witness problems regarding your rising blood pressure.
  • Diabetes is the most common ailment nowadays, not exercising can lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • After some studies suggest that inactive people are more at risk of developing coronary heart disease, you might reconsider your routine!
  • Not having a workout to your rescue can cause some mental disturbances, like having feelings of anxiety and depression more often.
  • It is evident and need not be told that inactivity can lead to an increased risk of a lot of cancers.


1. Weight management

  • A daily workout can lead to the reduction of excess weight gain and can help you control your weight.
  • Rigorous workouts like cardio and HIIT can help burn more calories.
  • Even if you can’t give hours to your exercise routine, no need to worry. Just take out enough time to move your body around, and jump around.
  • You don’t necessarily need a gym to burn your calories, a few habit changes in your lifestyle can work wonders. For example, instead of taking the elevator, try using the stairs every day.
  • Remember, ‘Consistency is the key.’

2. Keeps away from diseases

  • Regardless of your weight it increases the good cholesterol and reduces the unhealthy triglycerides.
  • This keeps the blood flowing smoothly and thus decreases the risk of heart related diseases.
  • Exercising on daily basis can help reduce risk to certain other diseases like
    • Depression
    • certain type of cancers
    • diabetes
    • high blood pressure
    • stroke
  • Can help lower the risk of cognitive disorders.

3. Maintains Energy

  • Workout can help strengthen your muscles and increase the endurance power to carry out day to day activities.
  • It helps to improve the lungs and heart function.
  • Workout also ais in delivering nutrients and oxygen to your cells which helps in maintaining energy through the day.

4. Improves mood

  • A mindful workout routine induces certain chemicals in the brain that help relieve stress and and anxiety.
  • Exercising might also increase your self-esteem.

5. Good sleep

  • Workout helps you sleep more deeply and it also relaxes your mind while sleeping.
  • But don’t exercise right before sleeping because it could increase your energy a little too much to sleep.

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