Which Oats are best & How Oats can keep you Healthy?
Take a quick review of the 7 Amazing benefits eating Oats can give can give. And the proper time of eating this Healthy diet.
About Oats & its Nutrients :
Oats are Gluten-free with High Nutritional value of healthy whole grains. The nutritional properties of oats such as: vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants makes it one of the healthiest breakfast cereal worldwide with many other potential health benefits. If you are wondering, other ways of eating oats. Then Yes, Oats can be flavoured in any form either as oat meal or as a snack (oatcakes, oat cookies, and oat bread equipped with veggies). Following this article, you will also know about some 7 Amazing benefits of eating Oats. Before that, take a look at
Nutritional composition of Oats-
- Dietary fiber —
Oats are known to be rich in fiber. The fiber composition is usually soluble with specific fiber also called beta-glucan. Oats also contain insoluble fibers, which includes lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose. The soluble fiber in Oats helps in low digestion, body fullness, low cholesterol and suppresses appetite. One cup (81 grams) of Whole grain Oats contain 7.5 grams fiber.
Fiber Daily Intake For Women- 25 grams
Fiber Daily Intake For Men – 38 grams
- Minerals —
Oats are rich in fiber along with that contain a range of important minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.
100 grams of oats contain:
- Calories: 389
- Water: 8%
- Riboflavin: 8%
- Niacin: 5%
- Vitamin B6: 6%
- Iron: 26%
- Magnesium: 44%
- Potassium: 12%
- Protein: 16.9 grams
- Carbs: 66.3 grams
- Sugar: 0 grams
- Fat: 6.9 grams
- Calories — 80 grams provide approximately 297 calories.
Also Read: Insights on Patanjali Oats!
7 Amazing Benefits of Eating Oats:
- Lowers Cholestrol level
High Cholestrol often creates Heart diseases.With rising Heart diseases it’s important to eat healthy. Oatmeal is a perfect breakfast cereal for you in such scenario. Oats are known for its soluble and insoluble fiber. Both these fiber proportion provides a proper cure for healthy body. Insoluble fiber, mostly found in fruits body, makes you regular. Whereas, Soluble fiber found in beans, oranges and pears, helps in preventing high cholesterol. Both the types of fiber provides various benefit to your body. As a daily diet try to consume one and a half cups of cooked oatmeal this makes you lower your cholesterol by 5 to 8%.
- Improves Blood Sugar
Oats helps you in lowering your blood sugar. People with overweight are often prone to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a health condition commonly characterized for its elevated blood sugars. Eating Healthy is often prescribed by doctors in such conditions. Eating Oats can help you improve your insulin sensitivity. Oats are made up of soluble fiber called beta-glucan, which helps in improving insulin sensitivity and makes you lower blood sugar levels.
- Builds Immunity
Oats provides an effective response in Building your Immunity. Recent studies, shows that oats build Immunity which provides healthy response to disease and infection. Oatmeal is a diet rich with unique fiber, beta-glucan, also neutrophils . This diet eliminate bacteria and boost body development.
- Lowers the Risk of Colo cancer
Apart from all its healthy benefits. Recent studies happened in United Kingdom and the Netherlands, provides a link between people with high fiber diet intake (primarily whole grains cereals: oats) and colorectal cancer risk reduction. Study shows that, every additional 10 grams of fiber in a diet helps in reducing risk of developing colorectal cancer by 10%.
- Good for Digestive Health
Oats contains cereal fiber which is often said to be more effective than any fruit or vegetables. Eating oats as a regular diet daily can help you in maintaining a proper bowel regularity and also prevents constipation. Studies shows that beta-glucanthe breakdown and fermentation increases the diversity of gut microbiota. This helps in curing digestive issues of human body like diarrhea, constipation, and irritable bowel syndrome.
- Oats Are Rich In Antioxidants
Oats are made up of antioxidants and polyphenols, called as beneficial plant compounds. Also the notable antioxidants such as avenanthramides, in oats helps in reducing the risk of heart disease by increasing nitric oxide production. This gas aids the dilation of blood vessels, which provides increased blood flow. Also, avenanthramides provide anti-inflammatory and anti-itching properties. Making Oats a daily consumable diet.
- Oats Help Control Weight
Oats contain -glucan compound which, helps in reducing the desire to eat by boosting cholecystokinin hunger-fighting hormone.
This health benefits along with other benefits makes it necessary for you to pick up oats as your breakfast diet. Purchase your healthy flavour type Oats right today. Stock up this versatile grain right today!