What are some Healthy benefits of Acetyl-L-Carnitine? Does it have any SideEffects ?

Acetyl-L-carnitine is made from L-carnitine, substance natural in our body. This substance is readily formed in the cells by enzymatic addition of acetyl group to carnitine. These components such as: L-carnitine and acetyl-L-carnitine are used to in burning the fat for energy, and ferrying fatty acids across the walls of the mitochondria. Here  they are oxidized and turned into energy. While its return from mitochondria, it brings back acetyl groups and other small fragments produced in fatty acid oxidation. Listed in this article are some Acetyl-L-Carnitine benefits!

Types of L-Carnitine 

Carnitine is a broad term which describes different compounds. L-carnitine is a common form of carnitine, present in the body and many supplements. Other types of carnitine includes:

  • Acetyl L-carnitine: Also  known as ALCAR, this plays an important  role in body metabolism. It contains neuroprotective properties which protects nervous system.
  • D-carnitine: Also known as optical isomer is a mirror image of L-carnitine. It  inhibits absorption of various carnitine.
  • L-carnitine L-tartrate: Used as a sport supplement by different athletes It provides to be useful in minimizing muscle soreness and aiding recovery.
  • Propionyl-L-carnitine: Displays pain relieving and antirheumatic properties, which  benefits heart health.


Acetyl-L-carnitine also known as ALC,Is important for various body processes. L-carnitine is usually formed in human brain, liver, and kidneys. The body converts L-carnitine to acetyl-L-carnitine and vice versa. Listed down are some of its uses:

  • Acetyl-L-carnitine is used for Alzheimer disease, which helps in improving memory and thinking skills, whereas, treating symptoms of depression, and nerve pain in people with diabetes.
  •  L- Carnitine is used for  preventing cell damage. Other such uses include improving appetite and increasing energy level.


Required Dosage pattern:

While taking Acetyl-L-carnitine dosage consult with your health care provider. A proper dosage of L-Carnitine for  adults include a  dosage of 1.5-3 grams by mouth daily, for up to 33 months. 


  • Acetyl-L- Carnitine improves exercise performance and controls fatigue. The benefits of this product are usually indirect. As per recent studies, L-carnitine taken by mouth improves mental and physical tiredness in older people. Some other benefits it shows
  • Increases muscle oxygen supply.
  • It increases blood flow and produces nitric oxide which reduces discomfort and fatigue.
  • Increases production of red blood cells, which helps in  transporting oxygen within body and muscles.
  • A 90-day study, shows that people who have alcohol addictions when takes 2 grams of acetyl-L-carnitine per day experience a significant improvement in measures of brain function.
  • Acetyl-L-carnitine when taken  intravenously for 10 days through mouth for 80 days, helps in  reducing cravings during alcohol detox
  • Recent studies shows that L-carnitine aid helps in treating ill health conditions like heart disease and type 2 diabetes. L-Carnitine combat diabetes by increasing a key enzyme called AMPK. This helps in improving Carb Intake.
  • It helps in preventing age-related mental decline and improve markers of learning. Studies also indicate acety l-carnitine reverses the decline in brain function and prevents brain from cell damage.
  • L-carnitine is useful in moving fatty acids to our cells. This makes L- Carnitine useful for weight loss.


Acetyl l-Carnitine is beneficial for treatment of Alzheimer disease, it also helps in improving memory and thinking skills, prevents a cure for symptoms of depression, nerve pain in people with diabetes. But there’s less scientific evidence  to support these uses. It always beneficial to know some probable side effects. Some are listed here:

  • It’s recommended to consume 2 grams or less per day to make its consumption safe. Studies shows that  around 3 grams daily for 21 days also causes no serious negative effects.
  • Increased dosage can create certain mild side effects which include nausea and stomach discomfort.
  • L-carnitine supplements can also raise your body blood levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) over time. This causes an increased risk of atherosclerosis known for clogging your arteries.

Acetyl-L-carnitine is known as an  amino acid which provides body growth naturally. These are useful for maintaining good health, kidney and liver which produces and store enough compound to prevent deficiency.For people with -carnitine deficiencies it’s essential to get the diet supplement in your body. All such doses of  L-carnitine supplement should be taken with prevention and cure.

This article covered up the various benefits ,which includes, aiding athletic performance ,weight loss etc. However, this requires more  research to confirm these benefits.

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