The supplement game in the fitness world brings about a lot of new names. One such is Fat Burners. Now, if you have heard it, you must have wondered if they actually work. Lets look through this article and find an answer to it.

Fat Burning Pills
Fat burners — do they work?


As the name suggests, Fat burners are the supplements which are used to burn or cut the fat in your body. Fats are also known as Lipids .These are made up of three molecules joined together. This three-molecule structure is called a “triglyceride”. These are the macronutrients required in a sufficient amount in the body to sustain certain essential functions like absorption of vitamins, healthy heart, protection of skeleton and glowing skin.

Their diverse nature arises when they are distributed as “Good & Bad” fats. Good fats are the unsaturated fats, the healthy ones which are certainly important for the body.

On the contrary, Saturated and Trans fats are the bad fats because of the potential health risks. Some sources of Saturated fats include animal meat, processed food like baked goods and french fries.High intake of saturated fat may eventually raise levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the body. This, in turn, increases the risk of heart diseases and stroke .Due to this effect, these are only recommended to be consumed in a limited proportion a day. For instance, the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that people eat no more than 13 grams of saturated fat per day.

Saturated and Trans fats – The BAD FAT group

To add, Trans fats are those lip-smacking tasty foods which do not suit the health well. The sources are fried foods, pizza dough, cookies, crackers, pasteries and packaged foods etc. These are not at all essential and are considered harmful. For instance, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says that trans fats are linked with 500,000 cardiovascular deaths each year. Infact, the WHO have called on governments to eliminate trans fats from the global food supply. It should only be consumed upto 5-6% of the daily calories intake.


Now that we have already understood that there exists a “Bad Fat” group, the reason is clear why we need to either avoid them or burn them. This is where nutrition, exercise and Fat burners fall in place.

It is important to mention that burning and cutting fat comes into question only when there exists an “excess” of it. Generally, body has its own mechanism to burn the fat.These include the processes like thermogenesis and lipolysis. Plus, right diet and workout can more or less do the required job. But, sometimes fats are rigid in nature, Thus, an additional supplement to aid the process is sought. This dietary supplement are the Fat Burners. These contain natural and artificial compounds. Some of the ingredients include Caffeine, Green Tea extracts, Carnitine, Soluble fiber, Garcinia Cambogia etc.

These supplements can come in various forms like pills, beverages and even powders.


What exactly is the job of a fat burner has been acurately mentioned in the research, “Fat Burners : Nutrition supplements that increase fat metabolism”. It says that, “The term ‘fat burner’ is used to describe nutrition supplements that are claimed to acutely increase fat metabolism or energy expenditure, impair fat absorption, increase weight loss, increase fat oxidation during exercise, or somehow cause long-term adaptations that promote fat metabolism”.

Fat Burners work by effecting the metabolic rate of the body.
Fat Burners work by effecting the metabolic rate of the body.

To put in key points :

  • These contain the ingredients which stimulate the hormonal reactions.
  • They speed up the metabolic rate which helps in burning more calories i.e., boosting Thermogenesis.
  • These decrease the fat absorption in the gut. This happens by enhancing the Lipolysis process of the body.
  • They suppress the appetite which reduces the calorie intake. It might target the hunger hormone of the body known as Ghrelin.


“You can put faith in miracles, but hardwork is the key”

Simply put : Fat burners are ‘claimed’ to burn your body fat by effecting the metabolic rate ; but they are just an ‘additional supplement’ and not the healthy way to it. Thus, if you want these to work for you, add the healthy path in your life. This means that focus on nutrition, a calorie deficit, right workout regime and incorporate fat burners to aid the process. These alone cannot help you in any goal which you may seek. But, these will definitely help you along the process.


If you are looking for a powdered form fat burner, this is your go to option : Monster Series CARNI LEAN : Carni Lean by Lean Lifestyle helps to turn fat into Fuel ,and Boost Energy, Converts fat into Energy. It is a unique Combination of CLA ,BCAA, Carnitine, Garcinia , Caffeine, Electrolytes and Glutamine. It is in the form of powder and comes in 4 different flavours i.e., Watermelon, Mango, Pineapple and Kaccha mango.

Monster Series CARNI LEAN

If you prefer capsules then you can try MUSCLEBLAZE BURNER PRO : it comes with a perfect blend of Grapefruit and Green Tea in concentrated forms. Consuming these ingredients can help you burn your fat and achieve a trim and toned body. It helps to lose weight in a natural way.

Mucleblaze MB burner pro

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