Did gym workouts failed you in maintaining your body?

Try Walking , they burn your calories in a pace.

Early morning walk

Physical activity, such as walking, is important for weight control because it helps you burn calories.

You can get out and walk without thinking about the risks associated with some more difficult forms of exercise.

Walk is a great form of physical activity for people who are overweight, elderly, or who haven’t tried exercises for long time.

Want to lose the kilos? Ditch the gym. A new study says a brisk stroll is better than a workout. Scientists found 30 minutes of ‘high impact’ walking is more effective for fighting the flab than the same time spent on doing weights and pounding the treadmill.

The advantage of walking is that you don’t need to pay expensive fees or travel to a distant gym. Instead, you only need an open area and quality walking shoes. Walking in a scenic location gives you a chance to experience the outdoors.

. A fitness payoff from walking comes when the activity rises to the level of cardiovascular exercise. That means a minimum of 10 minutes of constant one-foot-in-front-of-the-other movement at a moderate level of intensity.

Yogic walk For those who have deficiency of vitamin D in the body.

Siddha walking

Siddha walk is recommended to be done early in the morning. When you do this consistently for 3 weeks you will be able to see the benefits and an improvement in your vitamin D levels.

Walking in sunlight ensures absorption of good amount of vitamin D an essential element for the immune system.

Siddha walk helps you to increase the levels of Vitamin D in your body as you spend quality time with sun to build your energies. Circulatory system is improves which allows the blood flow to each and every organ of the body thereby nourishing them.

Early morning walk in the fresh environment keeps our respiratory system healthy.

Barefoot walk works on the sensory nervous system with pressure points being touches upon the grass.

Barefoot walking on grass improves eyesight.

Improves strength and flexibility of the muscles and ligaments of the foot. Barefoot walk on grass improve eyesight too.

Additionally, as you concentrate on the 8 shape, your focus and eyesight improves.

Not only that, It also cures various lifestyle diseases such as Heart diseases, kidney issues, insomnia, nervous debility, colitis, piles, sinusitis, asthma related issues, gall bladder stones, thyroid imbalance, Blood pressure, diabetes, migraine, epilepsy, depression, paralysis, disc prolapsed, sciatica spondylitis with Siddha Walk.

Benefits of siddha walk in long run

Removes anxiety, anger and irritability.

It acts as a stress reliever.

walk helps you to increase your energy levels to build your body strength and flexibility levels.

Balances your nervous system.

Improves both posture and coordination, strengthens the legs, back, arms and shoulders.

When we walk our whole body needs to be engaged and we build more body awareness on all the organs of the body.

Stimulates all your internal organs and increases your IMMUNITY. The walk helps you build your brain for new skills.

Tones the abdominal pelvic organs. Stretches the spine and brings flexibility and gives strength to your whole body.

Aids in relieving headaches and soothes arthritis or stiffness of joint pain.

Opens the chest and lungs. Helps in relieving back pain.

Shapes the overall body muscles; strengthens the core muscles.

The walk helps build stamina and strength.

Helps in balancing sugar levels and blood pressure (with regular sincere practice.)

It improves Hearing power.

In sum, there are various varieties in walking .which benefits not only in physical but also spiritual.one such is discussed in this blog .

Overall, along with walking healthy diet must be followed for better result foodvez helps you in choosing the right nutrient proportion according to the body type.


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