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How is it Peanut butter for enhancing workout helpful?

Have you ever tried peanut butter? How is it beneficial?

It is recommended by most bodybuilding stalwarts that consuming protein and carbs before a workout is beneficial. Peanut butter is packed with protein, and also contains a hefty dose of carbs, making it the perfect pre-workout snack to fuel your workout.

What is a good peanut butter ?

Before getting into the nitty-gritties of peanut butter, it is important to distinguish between a jar of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ peanut butter. Those who consume it to aid their workout regimens would already be aware of the difference, but the general public needs a little more awareness. Most commercial peanut butter is loaded with sugar to enhance the taste, making it unfit for healthy consumption. To maintain the semi-liquid composition at room temperature, commercial peanut butter is loaded with hydrogenated oils, which is extremely unhealthy. It contains high trans fat, which causes many health complications like heart disease and diabetes. So while buying a jar of peanut butter, make sure to look out for these two ingredients, and if present, immediately dump the jar. Healthy peanut butter will not contain sugar or hydrogenated oils.

Expert Opinion

According to Chetan Kanani, co-founder, Alpino Health Foods, “Peanut Butter is an affordable substitute for expensive fitness supplements. With around 30 essential minerals and vitamins, it is very rich in terms of protein and is loved by fitness enthusiasts as a post-work meal. He adds,”The health-conscious and gym-going are always on a lookout for a healthy snack with zero cholesterol, zero trans-fats, and high-fibre properties, making Peanut Butter a popular choice among them.”

Protein Content

Now that we are clear about the differences between the good and bad variety, let’s get on with the topic at hand. So, why do people who gym eat more peanut butter? First off, its high in protein. This relates not to peanut butter, but to peanuts in general. Gym goers need to consume protein in high doses to aid muscle growth and recovery. Peanuts are an excellent source of protein, with 25.8 grams of protein per 100 grams. Peanut butter is an easy to consume snack which fulfils a large part of most gymmers’ protein requirements.

​High in calories

Peanuts are high in calories, which is why most doctors recommend consuming it in moderation. For gymmers however, calories are a boon, and not a bane. A large amount of calories is required to increase overall body mass and to give muscles a more well rounded appearance, as it aids lean muscle growth. Therefore peanut butter is a good option to increase calorie intake for people who hit the gym.

Pre workout snack

It is recommended by most bodybuilding stalwarts that consuming protein and carbs before a workout is beneficial. Peanut butter is packed with protein, and also contains a hefty dose of carbs, making it the perfect pre workout snack to fuel your workout.

Other nutrients in peanut butter

Peanuts contain other critical nutrients that are good to gym-goers in addition to being one of the top sources of total macronutrients. It contains phosphorus, which aids in the body’s production of healthy cells and energy; zinc, which is required for immunity, protein synthesis, and DNA formation; vitamin b-6, which promotes heart and immune system health; niacin, which aids in digestion and nerve function as well as energy production; and magnesium, which aids in the body’s over 300 chemical processes. Peanut butter is a superfood with all of these health benefits.

Final words

Some things are important to keep in mind before eating peanut butter. Gymmers will agree that it is not a good idea to consume immediately before workout as it is hard to digest, and can get in the way of your workout, in the form of gas or bloating. Since it is high in calories, it may not be a good idea to consume regularly for those watching their weight. Peanuts cause heat in the body, which could cause acidity or more physical symptoms like heat boils. So be careful while eating it in the summer.

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