Why refined sugar should be stopped?
Sugar is obtained from sugar cane but the process that this sugar follows makes them different from each other. We consume refined white sugar almost every day, but do you know that consuming this sugar can cause a variety of health and fatal problems? White refined sugar can also make us gain weight. Whereas on the other side there comes another sugar i.e Desi khandsari sugar which is also obtained from sugar cane but undergoes zero processing stage and is completely chemical-free.
We usually complain about different health problems and weight gain one the main reason for most of our health problems is the consumption of refined white sugar. If we replace our white sugar with Desi khandsari sugar we eliminate most of our problems.
What is the main difference between mining and refining?
Mining is done by extracting the concentrated juice from sugarcane. After extraction of the juice from the sugar cane it is purified and then boiled using an open pan. After the boiling process is completed there is a thick syrup is formed. That thick syrup is put to dry. Once it is dried they form into crystals. These crystals are chemical and bleach-free and hence have numerous benefits.
First, in refining, they produce raw sugar. Raw sugar is nothing but the same white sugar which contains molasses in it. This sugar is used mostly in soft drinks and different food. It contains a lot of impurities and is white. They use heavy syrup and centrifuged which helps in washing away the outer costing of raw sugar.
Since it is refined it goes through a lot of chemical processes which might act as a slow poison in making us victims of deadly health problems. This process not only washes out the impurities but also washes away all the nutrients and hence it gives us no health benefit.
Desi khandsari sugar.
refined sugar and khandsari sugar both are obtained from sugar cane. The major difference is that refined sugar undergoes many processing stages which makes it impure and washes all the nutrients. These things make the white refined sugar unhealthy. Whereas Desi khandsari sugar undergoes zero processing stage. Due to this, it becomes completely chemical-free. And has several health benefits.
Benefits of khandsari sugar.
Khandsari Sugar can be a great alternative to regular refined sugar.
1)Is used in ayurvedic medicines
The tridosha in our body is balanced by the khandsari sugar. Whenever there is an illness in the body the main important solution to it is Ayurveda. Khandsari helps in balancing all the three elements in the body. i.e the Tridosha-vatta, pitta, and Kapha.
2) Helps improve digestion.
The amount of dietary fiber in Khandsari is high. Fiber helps absorb all the water from the stool. It turns your stool bulky and helps push it down. Which results gives you a clean stomach and helps you in digestion. As it is rich in iron they help in curing problems like anemia and makes your blood quantity healthy.
3)one of the healthiest nutrition
Khandsari sugar helps with chemical and bleach-free sugar. It contains all types of nutrition in it. Which is healthier than normal white sugar. Kadasari sugar is derived from sugar cane, is boiled and dried, and contains all kinds of fiber that help digest food, IRON is needed to build muscles. It’s even needed for the growth of your muscles and nerves, POTASSIUM-which is good for the muscles and nerves, minerals, CALCIUM helps in strengthening the bones and keep your teeth strong, etc.
4)Better than all other sugars
Which sugar is more like a slow poison because consuming then can cause you disease which can cause you death too. Brown sugar contains molasses. Which gets added during the process of refining. Brown sugar has zero nutrients which makes it a bit better than white sugar. Due to the different benefits of khandsari sugar. It can be the best sugar as compared to all other sugars.
Refined sugar
-refined sugar has not much benefit than adding sweetness to your food. Consuming Refined sugar on daily basis can give rise to diabetes and may give rise to different heart diseases. Which can be deadly.
Benefits of giving up refined sugar
1)Helps to lose weight
Refined white sugar is filled with processed chemicals and sweetness which contains a lot of calories. That sugar does not contain any nutrients except for saturated fats and loads of calories. These substances give rise to weight gain.
2)Builds our immune system.
Whenever we consume sugar that sugar gets broken down into glucose this process has a complete similar to the vitamin C structure. So when you consume a lot of it your body tends to grab the glucose. That weakens the ability of your immunity system. Along with improving your immunity system giving up sugar can also avoid the risk of different chronic diseases. And strengthens your body to fight against different diseases and flu.
White refined sugar can be dangerous and will work as a slow poison in our bodies. There are many other alternatives like jaggery, honey, etc. But khandsari sugar can give you maximum benefits with the sweetness of sugar. Khandsari sugar can be the best replacement for Refined White sugar. It provides us with generous nutrients and vitamins with zero calories and makes it beneficial for our body.
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