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Bodybuilding Diet and Exercise

Bodybuilding mainly focuses on building your body’s muscles through nutrition and
weightlifting. Bodybuilders should eat a high calorie protein rich diet. They should include a
variety of nutrient rich foods.
Protein is essential for building muscle. The current Recommended Daily Allowance(RDA) is

0.8g of protein per kg of body weight. For bodybuilding,1.2 to 2g of protein per kg of body
weight each day. The required amount of protein you should distribute in all the meals
throughout the day.

Foods to eat for bodybuilding diet:

1.Whole grains:

Grains are an excellent source of protein. However, some grains contain
more protein than the other grains. For example, Brown rice, Quinoa and Amaranth. 100g of
cooked brown rice has 3g of protein and it has good amounts of fibre. Quinoa and amaranth
are gluten-free grains and provide around 4g of protein in a 100 g serving. They contain all 9
essential amino acids.
Quinoa and Amaranth include a high concentration of complex carbohydrates, fibre, iron,
manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

2.Paneer/ Eggs:

Paneer has a very good amount of protein and calcium as well. 100g of
paneer has 12.4 g of protein. Eggs are a good source of protein. A single large egg provides
6g of protein.

3.Lentils, Chickpeas, Beans :

100g of cooked lentils contain roughly 9g protein. Same as
chickpeas and beans.

4.Nuts and seeds:

You can add nuts and seeds to your meals to increase your protein


Milk is an effective post resistance workout beverage. Research shows that post
exercise milk consumption with resistance training increased muscle growth and lean mass

Foods to avoid : Processed foods , deep fried foods, Alcohol

Bodybuilding supplements: Whey protein, Creatine, Vitamin D, Vitamin C
Here is the sample diet plan
Breakfast: Scrambled eggs and veggies stirred in coconut oil and wholegrain toast
Snack: Peanut butter and carrot sticks
Lunch: 1 bowl of chickpeas curry and multigrain roti and salad
Dinner: 100g of paneer , boiled sweet potato and salad
Snack: Protein shake with dried fruits and nuts or berries

Author :- Vimala Dharmala

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