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Glucon-D: The ultimate Glucose based Energy drink

Summers can be difficult, especially when the sun is always ready to sap your energy and prevent you from performing at your best.

Glucon-D, on the other hand, is your best solution, trusted by millions of Indian households to provide Instant Energy when they are tired. This glucose drink, which is high in Vitamin C and minerals like calcium and phosphorus, charges you up to fight tiredness and promotes mental alertness.

Glucon-D is a Zydus Wellnus product that was first introduced in 1933. It has a long history of over 85 years. Along with Glucose, Glucon-D Regular variant is high in Vitamin D, and Flavour variants are high in Vitamin C. As a result, Glucon-D not only provides instant energy but also supports immunity and keeps you refreshed throughout the day.

Benefits of Glucon-D mix

Glucon-D not only provides you instant energy and refreshment but also helps to fight various other problems. Here we have listed some of those benefits of Glucon-D:

  • Combats fatigue and provides instant energy

It is quickly absorbed by the body, providing an immediate energy boost and refreshment. It improves agility and gets people moving.

  • Glucose-rich: Instantly replenishes glucose levels

It contains 99.4 percent glucose, which is a type of carbohydrate that provides the body with the energy it requires.It also aids in the maintenance of blood glucose levels.

  • Beneficial in cases of vitamin D or vitamin C deficiency

It aids in the treatment and prevention of Vitamin D deficiencies and the disorders associated with them. As a result, the body’s nutritional requirements are met. Vitamin C is not present in Glucon-D Regular, but it is present in Glucon-D Orange and Glucon-D Lemon.

  • Used to treat dehydration quickly.

A cool glass of glucose water is the ideal way to stay cool during the summer heat. It cools your body by increasing the glucose level and aids in the maintenance of a hydrated body. It lowers the body temperature, keeping it cool in the scorching heat, and aids in the replenishment of lost electrolytes.

  • Enhances bone health.

It aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body, resulting in bone strengthening and the treatment of osteoporosis.

  • Maintains the body’s health.

Glucon D contains essential sugars (sucrose and glucose) that the body requires to function properly. It contains no fat or fatty acids of any kind.

Buy Glucon-D Instant Energy Health Drink:

Nutritional Facts

Energy368 Kcal
Protein0 gm
Carbohydrate92 gm
Sugar in the carbohydrate56 gm
Fat0 gm
Calcium114 mg
Phosphorus57 mg
Vitamin C50 mg

Glucose to energize your day

Glucon-D regular contains 99.4% glucose, as well as minerals and vitamin D. Most cells in your body use glucose, amino acids (protein building blocks), and fats for energy. Glucose is necessary for the body’s mechanisms to function properly. It is common for our optimal glucose levels to go unnoticed. When they deviate from the recommended boundaries, you’ll notice the negative impact on normal functioning. Here are a few quick facts about glucose.

  • Maintaining glucose levels within the normal range is critical to keeping your body running efficiently and healthily.
  • Diabetes patients must pay close attention to their glucose levels. They struggle to maintain healthy and consistent glucose levels.
  • Glucose is the primary source of energy; when you consume glucose, your body receives an immediate boost of energy.
  • The brain requires a constant supply of glucose, which is obtained primarily through the consumption of carbohydrates. Only in extreme cases does the brain use substances other than glucose as fuel.
  • Glucose provides energy for physiological processes such as respiration, heart rhythm, and body temperature regulation. It travels to various parts of the body to perform its essential function and keep you healthy.

Which is better: Glucon-D Regular, Glucon-D Orange, or Glucon-D Lemon?

Glucon-D contains the primary ingredient glucose. However, the amounts of glucose present in the three variations differ. Glucon-D Regular contains 99.4 percent glucose, Glucon-D Lemon has 52% glucose, and Glucon-D Orange has 40% glucose. Furthermore, Glucon-D Regular contains no added sugar, whereas Glucon-D Lemon contains 45 percent sugar and Glucon-D Orange contains 55 percent sugar. Both Glucon-D Orange and Glucon-D Lemon have salt added to them.

When compared to Glucon-D Lemon and Glucon-D Orange, Glucon-D Regular clearly wins the race. However, taking glucose on a daily basis can be harmful to your health. The key here is to consume anything in moderation.

Who should take Glucon D and who should not?

  • If you’re into bodybuilding, it’s a no-no for instant energy. It contains a significant amount of sugar. If you are working out in the gym for 1-2 hours, this health drink is not for you. You are not getting enough glucose; instead, a high intake of sucrose leads to fat accumulation due to the presence of fructose in sucrose. It is not advised to do so during or after a workout.
  • If you are an athlete or regularly train – For example, if you run for 3-4 hours a day, your body will become dehydrated. In the body, electrolytes are depleted. You can consume glucon d at that time for instant energy. This sugar will come in handy at that time.
  • If you are obese or on a weight loss programme – Definitely NO, as previously stated, because this increases fat and sugar content in the body.

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