Immunity booster juices

Do you often fall ill, suffer from nausea and frequent cases of flu? And these are bothering you sometimes. Here’s a great guide for you to fix your problems and have a one-time solution.

What is immunity?

The immune system is the safeguard of our body. It is meant to protect us from several kinds of infectious viruses, bacteria, toxins and stuff that is harmful to our bodies.
It beholds the capacity to resist any kind of virus from entering and harming the body easily.
Bone marrow, lymph nodes, and thymus are some important organs functioning in the immune system.

Importance of immune system

Since it helps protect the body from any kind of infectious bacteria or virus that invade our body easily.
So for a healthy body, a healthy immune system is a must. Because immunity is the saviour.

Now the question that arises is how to maintain and boost immunity!?
So here are some great immunity booster juices that can be a literal superpower hub for your immunity.

So here we have got you with some super amazing and easily accessible juices so that can they are just a step ahead for you.


Healthy immunity is a healthier you

  • Citrus Fruit Juices

So these fruits are high in Vitamin C which is meant to prevent any kind of impairment and infection-causing bacteria. If Vitamin C is low then it leads to delayed repairing of wounds, an imbalanced eating schedule and a lot. So these citrus juices of fruits can do wonders for us. Citrus fruits like kiwi, orange, and grapefruit are vitals for great immunity booster syrups. They are enriched with the goodness of various vitalities as well as the goodness of taste. So just a blend away these juices are all set to build up your immunity.

  • Beetroot, carrot, ginger

This beetroot and apple combination is a massive one. Works to boost immunity since apple has several inflammatory properties and beetroot promotes blood making as well. Whereas, ginger works on healing the infections caused by normal cold, flu, and cough.
People with triggered allergy issues can incorporate gingers in their daily diet plans as well.

  • Lettuce, green apple

This greeny vegetable juice is a superb immunity booster. Although it can be consumed by anybody belonging to any age group. Since children may find it a bit boring and may refuse from having it so honey can be added as a sweetener for them and it can even change the myth of unhealthy snacks always. And just as its stopper colour it has a lot of vitalities in it including iron, magnesium, and Vitamin A and the list is just long and growing.

  • Watermelon and mint juice

We all know that watermelon is loaded with goodness and never fails to impress with its taste and qualities of course. But did you know that making a watermelon juice even enhances your level of immunity? because in the name of immunity drinks we all start worrying about the ingredients irrespective of noticing what are we surrounded by. So watermelon and mint juice can be a great antioxidants to clear your metabolism and boost your immunity of course. it also helps beat the heat within our body making the PH balanced and our body system work even more efficiently.

  • Ginger and Honey

This combination is of course very weird because ginger paired with anything makes it a bit tougher to consume. During the pandemic, terror was all around the world ginger and some simple kitchen ingredients like black pepper, cardamom, and each were there for the rescue.

Since ginger has a lot of healing properties to it so pairing it extracting its juice and pairing it with is an Ayurveda remedy that boosts immunity by providing better digestion, maintaining blood pressure, relief from nausea and whatnot. whereas honey is not only a natural sweetener but also has antioxidant and antibacterial properties into it. The more weirdo the combination sounds the more benefits it contains.

To fix your immunity by making some easy and sorted healthy juices showered with a lot of goodness of minerals and vitamins.

Making it with a bit of twist can surely make it more interesting and tasty.
healthy immunity leads to a healthier you.

So try these boosters and let us know in the comments what different ideas you adore.

Until then happy immunity buildup!

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