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Indian Foods That Help You Gain Lean Muscle

Which Indian foods can help me get a toned lean body?

There is no need to worry! I got you. Give this blog a read to find out about the Indian foods you can consume to help you get the body of your dreams in no time!

First, let us understand what lean muscle is.

Lean muscle is a tissue that does not contain large amounts of fat stored in or around it. In other words, a person who has worked incessantly to grow lean muscle, will have a beautifully toned, rock-solid look to their body.

Well, how do I get lean muscle?

Now that you have gained awareness about what lean muscle is, you must be wondering how to get that perfectly toned body for yourself? Where should you begin?

Let me tell you that getting lean muscle is not that easy and hence, you have to be thoroughly ready to work extremely hard. That is if you want to see the mind-boggling results!

People who have the rock-hard effect to their body, have followed diet plans, taken help of supplements, and spend hours every day, going through rigorous training sessions. And that is not all. They still do! Because even if they have obtained what they once dreamed of having, they have to work hard to maintain it. As it is rightly said, “If you take care of things, they last.”

You may feel excited at first and jump headfirst into this new lifestyle that seems alluring to the eyes. But then, you might feel like giving up after some days. It is at times like these that you need to remind yourself why you began in the first place. To remind yourself that you will definitely get there. You have got this!

The end result of your intense hard work is going to pay-off and it is going to be totally worth it to see that you achieved what you wanted. The journey towards the final destination will just as beautiful as it is from this very journey that you will find yourself growing and changing for the better. Don’t you know this by now that nothing worth having ever comes easy!

Diet plan

You definitely need a diet plan in place. The exercises are not going to help you by themselves. A proper diet plan that has the necessary amounts of nutrients, protein, and vitamins, will help keep your body fit and healthy.

But remember that only creating a diet plan is not enough by itself. You need to show conviction and follow through with it. Not sticking to your diet or leaving it half-way will only deter and hinder your process.

Healthy food

Now that your basics are all brushed up, let’s have a look at the food.

It is important that you stay away from the foods that are crammed with fats and sugars. These can be stored as fat within your body, bringing the growth of lean muscle to a halt.

Also, do not forget to consult a nutritionist or a dietician regarding your diet, as they will provide good guidance to you in health-related matters.

Have you been browsing the net to get a basic idea of what foods you should be consuming?

Of course, you have! But these sites are crammed with food items, most of which are quite a task to find, especially if you live in India.

To help you out with that, here is a list of foods that can help you gain lean muscle and are easily available in India!

Carbohydrates – Watermelon, Whole wheat bread, Beans, Lentils, Cereal, Mashed potatoes, Oats,

Protein – Eggs, Paneer, Fish, Mutton, Skinless chicken, Sprouts

Fats – Olive oil, Fish oil, Avocados

Vitamins – Almonds, Lemon, Papaya, Oranges, Bell pepper, Pineapple, Kiwi, Tomatoes, Banana, Pulses, Peanuts, Milk, Sunflower Oil

Fruits and Vegetables – Melons, Pineapple, Cantaloupe, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Yellow/Red bell peppers

Foods you should be limiting:

Say “NO” to fried foods!
  • Fried foods
  • Alcohol
  • Donuts
  • Ice-cream
  • All-purpose flour
  • Processed cheese
  • Potato chips
  • White bread
  • Granola bars
  • Pizza
  • Soda

Let’s talk about supplements!

Supplements play an important role in muscle growth as they help by providing amino acids that are needed. Moreover, they also assist with muscle gain, growth, repair, and recovery.

 But remember to take only the required amount as too much of anything can prove fatal for your health, landing you into unnecessary trouble.

Here’s a lean muscle gainer supplement for you!

Zedon Nutrition Advance Lean Muscle Gainer

Zedon Nutrition Advance Lean Muscle Gainer is made for both men and women.

It is rich in nutrients and vitamins that your body needs and helps you with gaining lean muscle.

Furthermore, it helps increase your endurance levels as well as your strength.

Zedon Nutrition Advance Lean Muscle Gainer is a source of all the necessary protein that your body needs in order for it to grow, repair, and recover muscle.

Buy it here:

The Bottomline

All you need to get a great lean body is a proper diet plan, a supplement partner, and a lot of conviction! Work towards all of this, and you are all set to get the lean muscle you dream of having.

Don’t forget to check out Zedon Nutrition Advance Lean Muscle Gainer

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