Are you looking for a natural solution for detoxifying your body?
Everyone wants a healthy body and mind in today’s world. But with the modern lifestyle it often gets hard to maintain so. But don’t you worry. DETOX Green Tea is a natural and healing green tea. It is efficiently formulated for the best results.
DETOX Green Tea refreshes mind and body. It is filled with the goodness of pure and organic green tea leaves. DETOX Green Tea is different from normal black tea. Green tea doesn’t go through the same maturing process as normal tea.
What is detoxification?
Detoxification is basically the process of ridding the body from harmful toxins or harmful substances. It also helps the body in resetting its function. Detoxification is necessary because there are many harmful substances clogged up in the body.
These harmful toxins can hinder the normal functioning of health. It can also make you feel lethargic and uneasy. Detoxification can be either a direct or indirect process. It can mean reducing weight, preventing constipation, improved immunity, increased hydration and many more.
Why do we need to detoxify?
Toxins and foreign substances can enter our body from various external sources. The sources can be water, air, food. Generally our body is able to remove harmful substances on its own. But sometimes adding green tea greatly eases the process.
How to detoxify?
There are many ways that can help with the detoxifying process in your body. But the most beneficial way is to add green tea to your daily routine. Green tea is the most wonderful tea with many medicinal properties. Green tea has natural compounds in it that will help you detox naturally. Green tea revives the body’s natural system so that it can function more efficiently.
Benefits of green tea:
- Green tea is best known for its high antioxidant properties. Antioxidants provide protection from free radical damage in the body.
- Green tea contains catechins. Cathechins present in green tea are known to aid in weight loss.
- Green tea is high in polyphenols which is an antioxidant. Polyphenols are highly protective against cell damage in the body.
- It also helps in improving alertness. It can improve concentration because it contains caffeine. Though caffeine is not present in high amounts in green tea as compared to normal tea or coffee. But still it helps in improving memory abilities.
- Green tea is also known for improving energy levels too. Its energy improving capability can be attributed to its presence of micro nutrients. Caffeine present in green tea also helps in improving the energy levels.
- Since green tea is consumed with water. It acts as a good hydrating therapy too.
- Green tea contains many nutrients like vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and vitamin B3. It also contains trace amounts of potassium and sodium.
- It is also best known for its fat burning properties. It is very efficient in boosting metabolic rate of your body. And hence in turn it helps in the process of weight loss too.
- This is the major reason why most weight loss supplements contain green tea as its ingredient. Green tea is a natural weight loss aid that anyone can try.
- Green tea is also very helpful in purifying blood. It also helps in maintaining good heart health and controls blood pressure.
- Green tea is a great drink for diabetic persons too. Certain research has indicated that green tea can be helpful in reducing blood glucose levels.
- Green tea also helps in improving the immunity of a person.
How to prepare DETOX Green Tea?
DETOX Green Tea is very easy to prepare. You can take the tea leaves and boil it in water for a minute. And then strain the leaves and enjoy your perfect cup of tea.
If you are anaemic or suffer from high acidity then you should avoid green tea. Or consult a doctor before consuming green tea. Because green tea contains compounds that can reduce the absorption of iron in the body.
Overall green tea is a perfect drink. It can be served either cold or warm. It is well known for its detoxifying properties. Its detoxifying action follows a multi angle approach. It heals the body from the inside and hence allows the body to function more properly.
Green tea itself is a very refreshing drink. In fact one can feel the difference in themselves by consuming green tea on their own. People tend to feel more healthy and energetic after consuming green tea. Thanks to its many beneficial properties.
DETOX Green Tea is available on the foodvez website. You can check it in the given link: