why is dietary fiber essential for health?

So why is fiber essential for health? Why should consume it?

So, what exactly is dietary fibre?

Fibers are found in wheat products like whole wheat flour and bran. It is also found in vegetables and fruit and nuts. they are well recognised for their ability to prevent and treat constipation. High fiber food helps in maintaining weight and fiber is essential for health. It cures heart disease and some forms of cancer. It is not hard to eat a high fiber meal. So how can you get high fiber in your meal, what food contain in your meal?

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Dietary fiber is sometimes called roughage or bulk. It refers to the components of plants that your body cannot digest or absorb. High-Fiberous food not digested by the body as compared to carbs, and protein. Which your body breaks down and absorbs.

Fiber is of two types

  • Soluble fiber- Fiber that dissolves. Fibers dissolved in water easily. It can help decrease cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood. Oats, apples, citrus fruits, carrots etc are all high in soluble fibre.
  • Fiber that is insoluble. This type of fibre aids in the flow of materials through the digestive system and increases stool size. Some good sources of fiber follow wheat products like whole wheat flour and bran, beans, vegetables and nuts

Varied plant diets have different amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre. So, Eat a wide variety of high-fiber meals to get the most health benefits.

The advantages of a high-fiber diet

A fiber-rich diet:

  • Maintains intestinal health- If you eat high fiber it may cause haemorrhoids and a tiny pouch in the colon. According to some studies. Some fiber ferment in the colon. Research is done to find out how it helps in avoiding colon illnesses. That’s why fiber is essential for health
  • Cholesterol levels are reduced- Soluble fiber is found in beans, oats, flaxseed, and oat bran. May help decrease total blood cholesterol by reducing levels of  “bad,” cholesterol. High-fiber diets may help heart-health benefits, such as lowering blood pressure and inflammation, according to research.
  • Helps in maintaining blood sugar level-  Fiber, especially soluble fibre, can assist persons. With diabetes controls sugar levels by slowing sugar absorption. A diet that contains a good amount of soluble fiber helps decrease the chance of getting type 2 diabetes.
  • Helps in maintaining healthy body weight- Eating high fiber makes your stomach full for a longer time. Eating high fiber does not easily digest it takes time to digest. It means they contain fewer calories per unit of volume.
  • High fiber allows you to live longer- Increased dietary fibre consumption, particularly cereal fibre. It helps in lowering the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease according to research. These are some of the reasons why fiber food is essential for health.

How much fibre should you consume?

The Institute of Medicine offers science-based guidance on medical and health issues. Recommends the following daily fibre intake for adults. Men and Women under the age of 50 years need 38 gm and 25gm fiber respectively. If they are above 50 years they need 30 and 21 gm of fiber.

The greatest fibre options. If you are not consuming enough fiber then you should increase it. Some good options are:

15 High-fiber Foods that Are Low in Carbs - Diet Doctor
  • Grain-based goods
  • Fruits \sVegetables
  • legumes such as beans and peas
  • Seeds and nuts

Fiber content is reduced during refined or processed foods such as canned fruits and vegetables white bread and pasta. The outer shell (bran) of the grain removed during the refining process. Which lowers the fiber content. Some B vitamins and iron are put back into enriched meals after processing, but not fiber.

How can you consume a more fibrous diet?

Do you like to have a high-fiber food? Consider the following ideas:

  • Increase the volume of baked items- Use whole grain instead of white grain while making food. Make muffins, cakes, and cookies with pulverised bran cereal, unprocessed wheat bran, or raw oats.
  • Concentrate on legumes- Fiber-rich foods include beans, peas, and lentils. Add kidney beans to a green salad or a canned soup. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables as it is rich in Fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Consume it 5 times a day.
  • Make snacking a priority- You can eat items like fruit and veggies to increase fiber in your diet. Also, some lite snacks such as low-fat popcorn and whole-grain crackers are good options.  A handful of nuts or dried fruits is also a high-fiber, healthful snack; but, nuts and dried fruits are heavy in calories.

High fiber meals are good for maintaining good health. But if you consume too much fiber. It can cause bloating or gas in the stomach. But after some time it increases the fiber consumption by your body. So you have to drink a good amount of water to digest. Because fiber is easy to digest when getting mix with water. By dissolving in water it makes it soft and tick stool. If you want to get fibrous food you can go on foodvez. There you can find a variety of High fiber options which you can add to your meal like watermelon seeds and many more

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