Manage your calories

Are you gaining weight?

You tend to gain weight when you eat more calories and don’t do anything for it to burn down like exercise.

Checking weight

How calories you should take in a day?

To remain active and energetic, it is important to eat calories. Without it, you will feel lethargic all the time. According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans, women should need 1600 to 2400 calories in a day. Whereas, men need 2000 to 3000 calories a day.

the type of food we consume daily determines how many calories we take. How, when and what to eat also makes a difference. The more activity we perform, the more calories will burn, if not the calories will remain in our body which will result in fats and weight gain.

Around 20% of the energy we take in is used for brain metabolism. And the rest is used while digestion, resting, basal metabolism, etc.

Count your calories

To know how many calories you have consumed in a day, make sure you count and note down your calories. This is the best way for you to not eat a lot of calories. Many apps are there which will help you count your calories effectively and easily.

Avoid sauce

A complete no to sauce would be pretty difficult, that is why say less to the sauce. The sauce has more calories and adding it to your food increases the number of consuming calories. Either eat less sauce or say a big no to it without any hesitation if you want to lose weight.

Avoid drinking calories

Stop drinking your calories, right away. Drinks which is rich in sugar such as soda can be a threat to type 2 diabetes and obesity. One study shows that drinking a lot of beverages rich in sugar, not only adds many unnecessary calories to your diet but may also increase your hunger later on. You should also avoid alcohol, smoothies and other sugary drinks to maintain your weight.

Don’t add sugar to your drinks

Sugary drinks add up unnecessary calories to your body. Adding sugar to your drinks such as tea and coffee would simply be adding calories to your body. Rather add relatively less sugar or totally stop adding sugar to your drinks.

Cook your own food

Cooking your food would be considered good because like that you would know what’s in it. The meals you think have low calories, might have sugary and fatty items which add up to your body.

Bulk your meals with veggies

Many of us don’t like vegetables but it is what it is. You have to eat more veggies than you think you consume. it’s estimated that around 87% of people in the United States don’t eat the recommended amount. Bulking your meal with vegetables will cut down your high-calorie intake.

Drink water

If you don’t drink water before your meal, start it by today. Drinking water before will help you be satisfied and you will eat fewer calories. One study found that drinking just 2 cups of around 500 ml of water before a meal lowered calorie intake by around 13%. It will also help you in losing weight.

Eat your meals slowly

Take your time, chew your meal properly, and don’t hurry to finish your food. Don’t rush to eat quickly, it will only make you eat less.

hopefully, this will help you, manage your weight!

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