Deficiency of omega-3

Is your skin very dry?

Skin dryness can be a symptom of deficiency of omega 3.

ageing and dry face skin concept

let us first talk about the deficiency of omega-3!

1. Dry skin

Your skin gets into notice if you are lacking omega-3. If you have sensitive skin, dry skin or an increase in acne, then you might be lacking in omega-3. Onega-3 prevents your skin from less moisture and prevents any type of irritations that leads to dryness and irritations. A study shows that women were given 1/2 teaspoon of ALA-rich flaxseed oil for 3 months. The result was that their skin got healthy, decrease in dryness and irritation.

Furthermore, research has found that those who are experiencing an unusual increase in acne, are an early symptom of deficiency of omega-3. Omega-3 reduces inflammation which triggers acne.

Taking EPA and DHA rich food also benefits your skin.

2. Depression

If you lack omega-3 in your body, you may have a chance of getting depression. As you know it is an important component of the brain, it is known that neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory substance is present in it. They can also treat brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and even bipolar disorders. Many studies have found that those students who are depressed have a low omega-3 in them, showing a creation between depression and deficiency of omega-3. One of the studies also shows that many students who were given omega-3 supplements had a beneficial effect on them by reducing their depression.

If you take an omega-3 supplement which contains 60% of EPA, make sure you take 1 gram daily. One study also shows that those who took an inadequate portion of the supplement resulted from depression.

3. Dry eyes

Omega-3 is so beneficial for the eyes that it can even control tear production. It helps in moisturising the eyes as well. Those who suffer from dry eye syndrome are always prescribed to use its supplements. If you have discomfort in your eyes and irregular increase or decrease in your vision, you may have the deficiency.

furthermore, there have been researches about it and scientists have found that a group of people consuming its supplement rich in EPA, had more production of tears, and less dry eye syndrome.

4. Joint pain

Haven’t you heard an old person speaking about how much pain they have in their joints? Of course, we all have heard and very often we hear. It’s known as osteoarthritis where the cartilage covering the bones breaks down. Studies show that taking its supplement reduces joint pain and stiffness and increases grip strength. PUFA’s can be taken when you have osteoarthritis, it is recommended but there are yet more studies to be done. If you are facing constant joint pain or symptoms of arthritis then you may deficit in omega-3.

5. Hair change

Not only do skin and eyes get benefitted from omega-3, but even hair also gets several benefits from it. Changes in hair that is split end, dry hair or an increase in hair fall may be an early symptom of deficiency. Studies have proved that for those who constantly consume omega-3 on daily basis, their hair texture got improved and they noticed their hair fall reduced.

There are no tests that can help you find the deficiency. But there can be some analysis made for it.

Visit for more products.

Bigmuscles Nutrition Omega-3 Fish Oil Triple Strength 

Bigmuscles Nutrition Omega-3 Fish Oil Triple Strength 

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