Gain weight with Chocolate

Are you skinny or called as a bag of bones and are you trying to gain weight?

Gaining weight could be a little hard even after trying but there’s a solution indeed and an answer to your question

 Being underweight might be a concern if it is due to poor nutrition. Eating more frequently, you may feel full faster comparatively. Eat around six small meals during the day rather than three large meals. Include nuts, peanut butter, avocado sandwich, sliced vegetables, and cheese or lean meat.

But you still cannot have so many sugars and fats to overcome the underweight as might lead to serious health concerns such as diabetes, etc.

Weight should be a healthy one with the consumption of whole nutrients and good hydration to absorb the nutrition to your body. Nutrition is the key to weight gain and it should not be sourced from fats or junk. 

Too little weight can contribute to a weakened immune system, fragile bones and lethargy and can be attached to certain health conditions.

 Check your BMI to your know-how under-weight you are and take the necessary measures to overcome it.

Body Mass Index is a simple calculation made by a person’s height and weight. The formula of  BMI = kg/m2

A BMI less than 18.5 is considered to be underweight. 

The causes of being underweight could be:

These risks include:

  • Malnutrition: this could the main reason why your weight is low, lack of essential nutrients in your diet may cause malnourishment. One should check the nutrients ratio in meals and include the missing nutrients to make a balanced meal. Check if there’s a calorie deficit by tracking down all meals of your day and increasing calorie intake according to the need. 
  •  vitamin deficiencies: Deficiencies of vitamins may lower the function of the body. For example, a deficiency in vitamin B1 may cause Weight loss, disabled  sensory perception, weakness, and pain in the limbs, periods of irregular heartbeat,  emotional disturbances, etc.
  • Anemia: It is a condition caused due to lack of hemoglobin or red blood cells. This will cause reduced oxygen supply to the organs of the body. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, skin pallor, light-headedness, dizziness, fast heartbeat, and shortness of breath.
  • Osteoporosis: This is a medical condition that causes fragility and brittleness in bones due to a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium.
  • Decreased immune function: A weekend immune system functions inactively, making the body prone to many infections which will further result in a delay in recovery. Frequent cold, digestive problems, fatigue, infections, etc., are some of the signs of decreased immune function.
  • Increased risk from complications post-surgery: There could be complications attached post-surgery like infections, hemorrhages, drop in blood pressure known as shock, pulmonary complications, urine retention, and ill effects caused due to anesthesia.
  • Fertility issues due to irregular period cycles: Irregularity in period cycles is one of the reasons for infertility. It could be no periods, irregular periods, or abnormal bleeding that might cause a person to lose weight. 
  • Growth and development issues in children and teenagers: Delayed growth and development in children or teenagers due to under-nutrition also make children skinny or under-weight.

If you are underweight, you may not be eating enough healthy foods with key nutrients to energize your body which can cause malnutrition. Over time, malnutrition can affect your health in different ways that may be seen by you or those around you.

Foodvez’s products to combat under-weight issues and come to normalcy: 

1. Nutracology Mass Gainer High Protein Weight Gainer With Enzyme Blend Lean Whey Protein (1Kg, Chocolate)

This chocolatey whey protein product comes with balanced nutrition and high-quality protein designed to release at intervals to stay energized all through the day. This can be mixed with milk, almond drink, soy milk, and any of your preferred drinks.

2. Weight, Post Workout,84g Protein, 315g Carbs, Gluten-Free, 17g BCAA, 20 Vitamins & Minerals,16 Labrada Muscle Mass Gainer (Gain Servings) – 12 lbs (5.44 kg) (Chocolate)

This post-workout chocolate mix gives strength to build muscle and lots of calories to make you gain a few kilos and also stimulates metabolic rate and immune system. This mix should be used in a ratio of  9 scoops of this muscle mass gainer to 32 oz or 1 liter of milk.

  • Monster Series Huge Gainer, Chocolate Ice Cream Flavor, 5 kg, Muscle Mass Gainer, 750 Calories, 242 Carbs, 50 gm Protein, FSSAI Certified, 11.02 lbs


4. Zedon Nutrition Solid Mass Gainer Supplement Powder (51g Protein, Calories 1182kcal, 234g Carbohydrates, 3g Creatinine | Serving – 17 Scoops: 1 Scoop 60g ) Cookies & Cream Flavour | Men & Women 5Kg

5.MuscleBlaze Bulk Gainer, 6.6 lb Chocolate(3kg)

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